B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

I'm trying to study up a bit on Dorkings in general and color genetics, can anyone suggest a good resource for the color genetics? And this will sound silly, but I keep coming across the "crele" color/pattern, and I can't for the life of me figure out how to pronounce it. Can anyone spell it phonetically for me?? :) Thanks
I think crele is beautiful, but I don't know how to pronounce it either.

I didn't think Dorkings came in crele, do they?
I thought I had seen a picture on feathersite.com of a crele Dorking. I'm assuming it's probably not a standard color? Don't know much about it but found it quite a fascinating color!
I think crele is beautiful, but I don't know how to pronounce it either.

I didn't think Dorkings came in crele, do they?
they can come in any color someone wants to work on, since both barred and red exist, and crele (creel) is just a combination of the two.

but personally I think the standard, already recognized varieties need more work before the breed tries to expand to other varieties...
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Anybody know of any colored or cuckoo dorkings in the US? I found black diamond, are they a good starting point for a breeding program?
I think Sandhill has those colors available, too. To my knowledge, taking on either of these colors will be a major challenge. I am unaware of a colored line in the US that breeds true.
I think Sandhill has those colors available, too. To my knowledge, taking on either of these colors will be a major challenge. I am unaware of a colored line in the US that breeds true.
i'm attempting to establish a line similar to the colored that will breed true, but it's slow going and will be several years probably before anything definite happens. right now i'm just sorting out the genetics of what's in the mix first.

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