B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

well that is in the plans, but the pen has to thaw some first... it was the first large pen I built, and I didn't know any better so used larger spacing wire, since the birds couldn't get out. didn't think at that time about getting in. but knock on wood this is the first losses I've had out of that one. the others have been modified already.
well that is in the plans, but the pen has to thaw some first... it was the first large pen I built, and I didn't know any better so used larger spacing wire, since the birds couldn't get out. didn't think at that time about getting in. but knock on wood this is the first losses I've had out of that one. the others have been modified already.

I'd put up whatever you can ASAP, even if you have to put it on the inside of the pen because the outside is frozen and buried under ice. Raccoons are very smart, remember everything, and are quite hungry this time of year. They will be back. I know people who have lost birds every night until they had no more to lose!!!
I'd put up whatever you can ASAP, even if you have to put it on the inside of the pen because the outside is frozen and buried under ice. Raccoons are very smart, remember everything, and are quite hungry this time of year. They will be back. I know people who have lost birds every night until they had no more to lose!!!
in the mean time, I have rigged a door onto the coop so I have to let them out each morning. previously the door was open and they just let themselves out... the coons scared them out of the house and into the corners of the pen. so now they're locked in at night, which will hopefully keep the coons at bay. that and a loaded trap should take care of things quickly.
in the mean time, I have rigged a door onto the coop so I have to let them out each morning. previously the door was open and they just let themselves out... the coons scared them out of the house and into the corners of the pen. so now they're locked in at night, which will hopefully keep the coons at bay. that and a loaded trap should take care of things quickly.
Don't you just love how they go right up to the side and make life easier for the coons. My dad's turkeys slept in a dog kennel type thing and they always slept in the corners so the coons would just have a feast.
Don't you just love how they go right up to the side and make life easier for the coons. My dad's turkeys slept in a dog kennel type thing and they always slept in the corners so the coons would just have a feast.
I used one inch poultry wire on all my pens and no more coon problems for two years now .
Even thinking about buying a 150 ft roll of one inch coated wire to use as the coated will last much longer .
Sorry to hear of your losses, Karen. If you were closer, I'd be interested in your blr bantam rooster.

well, I haven't given up on him yet... he's a good free range roo who doesn't eat much, so keeping him isn't a problem. it's the ones taking up breeding pens I need to do something with, so I can get the rest up and running, like the dorkings.
yeah...I use 1/2" x 1/2" on all my pens.

I used to think all these wild animals were SO cute. NOT ANYMORE (except bunnies...they are still cute when they aren't eating my garden)

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