B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

14 Dorking chicks hatched so far, 12 whites and 2 blacks. Not seeing any black spots this time...
Make that 14 whites 2 blacks and still no spots. Maybe I finally got the right birds together. Guess I shouldn't be worrying about the spots so much anyway. The chicks are looking really nice and it sure is cool watching them have the run of the big coop. Know I shouldn't say it but they sure are cute.

I need to get my camcorder back out there.
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Quote: throw a blanket over the trap, skunk and all, and wait until after dark to move it... we've never had one spray in the trap, but there's always a first. LOL if you release them, i'm told to take them down the road and across a body of water (river, larger stream, etc) because they don't like to swim.

i'd use a pickup truck personally. LOL

the other option if you don't want to transport, would be to drown it. tie a rope to the trap and drop it in deep water. (the trap, not the rope) - they spray when shot.
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If i catch them in the shorter live trap they can't raise their tail. Either way I shoot the stinky things right in the trap if they spray i just hose the trap off from a distance. I let the trap dry and let the stink die down before i go near it.

I don't catch and release....

Use rubber gloves and don't let the trap touch your clothes.

When i see them in the yard I shoot them with the 12 gauge and steel shot. Steel shot works best cause it don't drop them in their tracks. They crawl off and die somewhere else which is a good thing.
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I am a little behind on this thread and wanted to reply to this... The UofA has red Dorkings now... i think just 5 to 8 adults that are laying and he is setting almost all there eggs to build his numbers but i have seen a few Eggs sneak out of his egg room...
Rudy Troxel is in Indiana and sales red dorking eggs. Somewhat closer than the east coast.

My eggs from him should hatch next week. 10 growing nicely (out of a dozen + 3 extra). I also have a really nice pullet from him. Sadly the cock didn't make the trip alive.

And of course a quick update of KI4got's group:

red? gold?

silver grey (dark?)


silver grey


One of the pullets -- all of them are varying shades of red

And the EE -- Weebles Muffaleta (daughter of Weebles!)

I took some pics of the older sg group from McMurray, but haven't uploaded yet. 2 of the 5 cocks are looking pretty nice, but one is a little tall. The others are scrawnier at this point. But slow growers get a chance to catch up. Will wait till fall to see what really develops.
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thanks, Kimberly. I'll remember that for fall. It is getting too hot to have eggs shipped in here. Except for cool weather today, it looks like we went straight to summer again this year.

I just received chicks from Dick Horstman: 30 ordered (20 reds, 10 SG), 32 shipped, 1 DOA.

I just received chicks from Dick Horstman: 30 ordered (20 reds, 10 SG), 32 shipped, 1 DOA.


I got reds from him last year. All arrived in good shape. I have his SGD eggs in the bator right now. Hoping I get something to hatch in spite of the PO. They've been a little rough on everyone the last few weeks from the posts I'm seeing.

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