B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

These were all raised together. 14-15 weeks old now. Never had issues mixing breeds in 20 years. Just trying to pin down if its actually Dorkings causing issue or if it could possibly be anything else, I want to give them a shot but if they're gonna pick on other birds, that doesn't fly around here.

I REALLY love my dorkings delivered by McMurray in February so almost 4 months old. Great docile birds, but they have a very large fenced pen during the day. Do your guys still have plenty of room at the older age?

I REALLY love my dorkings delivered by McMurray in February so almost 4 months old. Great docile birds, but they have a very large fenced pen during the day. Do your guys still have plenty of room at the older age?
Certainly would hope so. 4 half grown birds in a 6'x8' breeding pen that's designed for 5-6 adults? Room isn't the issue. I've got it narrowed down to either mean Dorkings or Cochins are just tasty to other birds. (I've raised Cochins before but they were only large fowl at the time so size alone could have been protecting them). I have seen both cockerels be bossed around by silver leghorns half their size before the leghorns got moved but this last incident it was just two Dorkings and two Cochins in the pen. Oh well will just see how it goes I guess. Three Dorkings don't take up that much space and if the offspring cause issues next year they can all leave.
Certainly would hope so. 4 half grown birds in a 6'x8' breeding pen that's designed for 5-6 adults? Room isn't the issue. I've got it narrowed down to either mean Dorkings or Cochins are just tasty to other birds. (I've raised Cochins before but they were only large fowl at the time so size alone could have been protecting them). I have seen both cockerels be bossed around by silver leghorns half their size before the leghorns got moved but this last incident it was just two Dorkings and two Cochins in the pen. Oh well will just see how it goes I guess. Three Dorkings don't take up that much space and if the offspring cause issues next year they can all leave.

I hope the Dorkings work out for you. But if they don't, feel free to send them my way
I raise game birds so I know how to deal with butt headed roosters.
Thanks for all the comments. Guess its just unlucky. 3 of the 4 times I've had a bird bloodied this year it was a Cochin that was hurt so maybe that's part of the equation too (so slow feathering compared to others maybe they're picking at pin feathers, it bleeds a little and then they go after it, which I don't like but I guess is possible. ). Just kind of shocked after I've heard such great things about the breed.

Well that could indeed be it right there, Hoss won't start a fight with Snowy.. but he will be the top dog in the conversation when Snowy starts.. you may well just have a couple of Cochin with a very stubborn streak.
It's never fighting. Just picking. They've been bloodied by the other birds chasin into a corner and trying to eat their butts off. So don't think it's a stubborn thing as much as the Cochin looks different. Doesn't have covering. And doesn't fight back. No biggie. Got some good advice pm-ed too. Just a bit surprised but I'm leaning more towards the Cochins being the problem and the Dorkings are just a bit more interested in chicken dinner than other breeds I've raised.

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