B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

I have my first dorking broody! She is a tad over 35 weeks old and has only been laying for about five weeks!!!!!!!!! Broodiness is one thing that attracted me to this breed, but this is unbelievable! She has been on the nest for almost a week now, so she went broody after only about four weeks of laying!! She seems pretty settled, too! Looking forward to seeing how this goes! I am just letting her sit on random mixed eggs since it is so early. I think there is one dorking egg, but the rest are random Mixes. We will see how she does!
yup that sounds about right. LOL i'm starting to think broodies are aggravating at best. especially those that are stubborn about it.
One of my cockerels at 17 weeks. Three of the 17 week cockerels that I processed weighed between 3.5-slightly less than 4lbs dressed.



Girls at 17 weeks.

This little guy came from the same hatch as my SG birds but he just didn't grow.
This little guy came from the same hatch as my SG birds but he just didn't grow.
I had one little red pullet that did the same thing...

the red dorking girl is a month older than the buff bantam cochin... (same age as my red cochins who are nearing POL) she's gone to a life of back yard egg laying.
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Hi! I'm new to Dorkings, and admit that my first attraction to getting involved with the breed was so that I could tell my friends I was a Dork Farmer. Lame joke, I know, but can't help myself sometimes.

LOL, We have Lemon Cuckoo Orps now and Are wanting to get some Dorkings...we thought about naming our Place "Crazy Dorks Farm" or "Dorky Cuckoo's Acres"
Hi! I'm new to Dorkings, and admit that my first attraction to getting involved with the breed was so that I could tell my friends I was a Dork Farmer. Lame joke, I know, but can't help myself sometimes. Anyway, I fell in love with the Silver Grey variety, and have begun paying my dues with shipped eggs that disappointed, and "live" chicks mishandled by the p.o. Heartbreaking... I am working on getting more stock, but in the meantime I have one truly lovely pullet from excellent lines, and would love to find her a boyfriend. I'm checking the usual channels on BYC, but thought I'd ask here, also, if anyone has a cockerel or rooster whom they would like to sell. He will have a nice life, with a spacious run and free range time some afternoons (need to rotate which boys are out), a lovely wife and some other other layers to admire him until I get more Dorkings. I'm in Southern California, but willing to drive a bit, or pay shipping for the right boy. Thanks!
I'm in Southern CA and might have an extra Silver Grey cockerel in a few months time...still growing out and avoiding hawks.

Just wee chickies right now.

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