B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

Ok have tried uploading pics 3 times but not going through. Just took this morning not that great with phone. But seeing as he had me up at 430 figured I would take pics. Lets try again
I am trying to find dorkings but have a question for those more expert at this. I just got a roo given to meby someone because husvtown outlawed loud noisy anumals.
Other than the comb he looks just like this red roo. Are there others. That look that close as he has no idea what it was justbliked him when he got him.

When you say "other than his comb he looks just like this red roo," what features about the comb are different, and what features about the bird in general are the same?

Many Dorkings roosters will have combs that have a different number of spikes, as very few look exactly like SOP requirements. Some will even have a rose comb, which is not SOP for the red, but some people prefer that comb and breed specifically for it. So even though Red Dorkings are supposed to have a single comb with 6 spikes, many have less, or have a different kind of comb all together.

If the only feature that the Red Dorking in the picture and your rooster have in common is color, the "red duckwing" color is very common in many breeds of chickens, and is actually the "wild type" color, with all other colors being an alteration of this starting point. So while it is possible that your boy is a Red Dorking, if that suspicion is only based on color there are numerous other possibilities.

If you can post pictures of your rooster from several different angles, plus a good shot of his comb, and a good shot of his feet showing all of his toes and spur, we should be able to tell you if he is likely to be a Dorking or not. There is also a thread on BYC for people to post pictures asking what breed they have, if we don't think he's a Dorking.
I am trying to find dorkings but have a question for those more expert at this. I just got a roo given to meby someone because husvtown outlawed loud noisy anumals.
Other than the comb he looks just like this red roo. Are there others. That look that close as he has no idea what it was justbliked him when he got him.

do you have a picture of your red roo? if you can get a full body shot from the side, including detail of his feet, we can suggest if he's dorking or not... there are MANY breeds that come in the same color, since black breasted red is essentially the wild type coloration (tracing back to the jungle fowl that started this whole thing).

ok you already posted pics...
the roo you have is a silkie cross, not a dorking. no idea what he's crossed with tho. so can't help you there. but the black skin and 5 toes plus the feathered shanks is definitely a silkie cross.
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Thats my point not real sure on all aspects of combs and was trying to figure this out. He is really not silky size he is big boy

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