B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

This is her at 4 weeks old.

You need to post a picture from the front.
Face picture? Is this bird from a hatchery? If it has puffy cheeks or beard then most likely an Easter Egger (mutt)
The number of toes--and the color of the legs.

Legs: white
Toes 5

Other than that is not a SG Dorking.
I checked McMurry and they only have males. =( Do you plan on breeding them ? you live fairly close to me and Id love to buy some chicks from you maybe next year ?
I've got red Dorkings that should start producing this spring. But I won't be getting NPIP until beginning of next year (in order to ship)

Here's a picture of my red Dorking cockerel, pullet, and a red dorking/silkie mix pullet,

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