B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

Here are my 5 month old roosters...I hope! I've had a hard time getting photos to post!

Bird 1

Bird # 2


Bird #3



Bird #4



Bird # 5



I'm going to try posting now, see if the photos come along! If it works, I'll post more photos of the other roosters next. Aren't you all just SO pleased to hear that!!

Thanks for your patience!
Well, it worked, sort of...not sure how to make it so y'all can see full size photos, but at least I got photos to post. That's a real triumph for me!

Here are some more pics, different birds...

Bird #6



Bird #7



I'm not posting pics of bird #8, he's not in consideration to keep. So -

Bird #9



Bird #10 , only one photo, he was on the roost, facing the wrong way, couldn't get a front shot. Shooed him down, other roo jumped on him, couldn't get a photo! Eek.


Bird # 11 Last one! Yay!



Well, anyone who's had the patience and kindness to look at all these pics...please give any input, even if it's to scrap them all and look for a better rooster...only then there are the hens to consider...!!! So please, I need to get these guys out of the coop SOON, so any input about which one to keep...you won't hurt my feelings with criticism, that 's the only way I'll learn!

Thanks again!
Male number two is great becasue he is a study in what a Dorking should not be. Observe how pinched, narrow, and shallow his core is. He woulf father poor layers and poor meat birds. He's definitely for the pot.

My first thought on these is coq au vin, which is of course swell because it is why one raises Dorkings. When you have a moment, post some pullet photos, because pullets contribute significantly to your future flock.

These would make a great start. As I think will be the biggest challenge with Dorkings today, they are lacking in the cinderblock department. Is say this, though, expecting that we shall find this everywhere. It has been so long since people were really breeding these fowl well and in good number that one should expect these points of perfection to be lacking. They are only maintained through serious breeding. Lord knows I'm working on them, too. The great thing about poultry, though, is that each year is a full generation, and progress can be made relatively quickly, as opposed to cattle, per se.

If you have access to these birds, snatch them up, especially if you're interested in breeding them up!!!

The best of luck!
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I have to throw my vote for number one. His coloration is better although that isn't the most important part but I think he has the beginnings of developing the body type that they are supposed to have. I think it was in one of the earlier post that Yellow House Farm, wrote that many of our heritage birds are not where they used to be. Thank goodness small chicken owners such as you and me and so many of us on BYC are bringing these birds back from the brink and promoting the SOP again.

Great job! Out of 50 birds I purchased from a hatchery, I'd either keep this guy and stew the others or try to find someone who has a high quality roo they need to pass on and use him. I know that is better said than done.

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