B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

If we are going to bring these birds back from the brink, I think it is important that we bring them back with the strongest blood lines possible. I've noticed some of the more rare breeds tend to be weak. A weak line of chicken won't survive. They need to be able to be tossed out on someones back yard and neglected like many, MANY folks do and be able to eat grass, fight off predators and so forth and so on.

Good lines need to be used but also some good old gritty lines need to be in there too.

I love my SGs for their resilence but can see some real need for strong background lines to be integrated. I only have this one flock so I can't speak for the breed as a whole. I have very seriously considered whether some of my Dels should be introduced one year and then breed out so some of the strenth that exists in that line can carry over. Also, nice egg size and stronger shells. I've read the Light Sussex is developed from that line too so a good strong flock of those might be a good introduction also.

I've begun to study genetics since that is what we are all really doing here. It is confusing as heck to me but in the end I think it'll be worth it.


My SGD are hardy, strong and robust, not weak at all. They forage no matter what the weather conditions are.
Big birds that lay big eggs. Affectionatley known as Chicken tanks.
Maybe it is the stock you purchased? maybe too much inbreeding? I have noticed the hatchery birds are of poor quality.
I just purchased some SGD chicks un-related to my stock. Hoping to get another robust bloodline.

It is just my opinion but I would get some better stock instead of what I have heard some SGD breeders call "polluting the breed". They are old school though and have beautiful birds and a Dorking network.

Of no help to you but they will be selling SGD hatching eggs at our local poultry swap on Sunday $18 a dozen.

I don't think it's that difficult or expensive to legally import eggs from Canada if you live close to the border... is it? Do you know of any Canadian breeders with Cuckoo, White or Colored Dorkings?
I didn't mean that my birds are bad. I just compare them to my Delawares and they are nothing in comparison but then neither are my light Sussex which are from several different really well known and respected lines. My La Fleche although from a great source are good birds but nothing like these old farm Dels...

I'm pretty proud of the birds I have but they could be even better and my point was when there were more around, the vigor was probably better. We need to get back there and if you have good birds then you have probably alreaay made it.
You are 100% right. I think we're on the right track here. Our own little grass-roots movement. If we continue to share our Dorkings with each other and help others to acquire them, we're helping the breed to advance. If we horde them and refuse to share, they are more likely to stagnate and eventually die off. Too many people give up because they're either too hard to find or they have problems once they finally have them. We need to breed out the problems and make them more accessible. And that means all the colors.

We're finally progressing with our flock --- but it's taken 2 years to get anywhere. I also have a lead on some more reds, but they're from the same line as mine, different generation. He just joined the official club & his pics are there. Pretty Reds, but a bit different than mine. Maybe I should get some... so I can compare!

I have also seriously considered crossing with Red sussex, but that was before I had access to other lines. I look at Akasha & wonder if her incomplete columbian laced pattern could have come from a cross with Light Sussex. Supposedly, the "light grey" came out of Sandhill's colored Dorkings. Most of her chicks look just like colored Dorkings to me! Since all of last years hatch turned out to be male, I didn't have a chance to see what they'd produce. I hope it works out this year!

The Dominiques I have are a blend of 2 lines (if I remember correctly) one was an old farmer with a closed flock. There is one cockerel with a single comb, which surprised me, but I'm probably going to try my cross with using him and the biggest & best rosecombed Dom. I heard a cross was used in recent years. My guess would be a Barred Rock, but we'll see if he has any more Rock traits. The ideal situation would be to find good quality cuckoo Dorkings, with no fertility or other issues, but I can't count on that.

You should try that with the Delaware... as someone said on the yahoo group yesterday, "Ain't chickens great? ....and we get to eat our mistakes..." The worst that could happen is you make some really good meat birds!!!
My SGD are hardy, strong and robust, not weak at all. They forage no matter what the weather conditions are.
Big birds that lay big eggs. Affectionatley known as Chicken tanks.
Maybe it is the stock you purchased? maybe too much inbreeding? I have noticed the hatchery birds are of poor quality.
I just purchased some SGD chicks un-related to my stock. Hoping to get another robust bloodline.

It is just my opinion but I would get some better stock instead of what I have heard some SGD breeders call "polluting the breed". They are old school though and have beautiful birds and a Dorking network.

Of no help to you but they will be selling SGD hatching eggs at our local poultry swap on Sunday $18 a dozen.

I don't think it's that difficult or expensive to legally import eggs from Canada if you live close to the border... is it? Do you know of any Canadian breeders with Cuckoo, White or Colored Dorkings?

I know of only one pair of coloured Dorkings. But somebody on ACE (Alberta Chickens Etc.) might know.
I wish you could get some of this SG Dorking stock, you would be very pleased.
I think you are right on tgrlily... Just so everyone knows TGR and I are going to trade SGs for Reds and if others were willing to trade as well, I think we could get more of these breeds out and about. And it is a LOT of fun to trade eggs too. I have 42 baby Dorkings now and I will soon have more. I am going to try to get the locals to buy them and hopefully get more flocks around. Then what is left over I'm going to try them out with my Dels. I am using the Dels to create MORE Dels at the moment but it does seem such a good idea to mix in some of the REAL hardy stock into this line. I know I'm looking at at least 5 generations to bleed out the color and toe problems that will occur from the mix.

TGR, as far as the likely mix with the Sussex your Red has... The Sussex are believed to be a descendant of the Dorkings so that is probably a great way to reintroduce. Again, 5 generations will bleed all the Sussex back out but that isn't so bad when you consider if you start early, you can have two generations a year...

The problem is that the Red Sussex is almost more rare than the Red Dorking and I have heard some pretty bad stories about the quality of the Red Sussex in this country. There seem to be some working to improve the line but it don't look good at the moment.

Anyway, let's keep trading and bring these breeds/colors up to par.

Come see me in Kansas City and get some of these SG Dorkings... LOL I had about 10 hatch last night...

BTW go look at her Barred Rocks... They shocked me how beautiful they are. I am amazed at them. Her Orps are just beautiful birds too. If I were rich, I'd create a huge garden and let those wonder about under the roses. They look like something that should be in that kind of space.

Her birds are the best I've ever seen!

Hi - interested in what you think of the chicks? are you pleased with them thus far? (rubbing my hands together)
Come see me in Kansas City and get some of these SG Dorkings... LOL I had about 10 hatch last night...

BTW go look at her Barred Rocks... They shocked me how beautiful they are. I am amazed at them. Her Orps are just beautiful birds too. If I were rich, I'd create a huge garden and let those wonder about under the roses. They look like something that should be in that kind of space.

Her birds are the best I've ever seen!

Hi - interested in what you think of the chicks? are you pleased with them thus far? (rubbing my hands together)

I can't be any more pleased with Kathy. She is a responsible breeder and is good about keeping other breeders at bay. Her flock of birds are beyond spoiled and absolutely BEAUTIFUL! She is friendly, she cares about her chickens and she is very fair in her pricing. I have even known her to give chickens away if she thinks they are rare enough that they need to be perpetuated.

I couldn't speak highly enough for her...


If you were speaking about what is going on with MY chicks... I can't complain too much. I want to play with the breed some more and see if I can't improve them a bit. I have to admit. I have the most vigorous group of Delawares so I'm comparing them to these birds and well, they don't stack up. But neither do any other birds I've seen or bought. I think they are good flock though and DEFINITELY deserve to be worked with!

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Hi - interested in what you think of the chicks? are you pleased with them thus far? (rubbing my hands together)

I can't be any more pleased with Kathy. She is a responsible breeder and is good about keeping other breeders at bay. Her flock of birds are beyond spoiled and absolutely BEAUTIFUL! She is friendly, she cares about her chickens and she is very fair in her pricing. I have even known her to give chickens away if she thinks they are rare enough that they need to be perpetuated.

I couldn't speak highly enough for her...


If you were speaking about what is going on with MY chicks... I can't complain too much. I want to play with the breed some more and see if I can't improve them a bit. I have to admit. I have the most vigorous group of Delawares so I'm comparing them to these birds and well, they don't stack up. But neither do any other birds I've seen or bought. I think they are good flock though and DEFINITELY deserve to be worked with!


Well, I am VERY excited about them. I have been blessed with a new found mentor, a Poulty Hall of Famer, and Master Breeder of umpteen breeds that has taken me under his wing. I showed him the pictures of your SGs, which he said they would be excellent to start with, and with him working his Dorking connections, we shall see what we end up with in a couple years :) He told me NOT to be in a hurry...

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