B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

Is she a dark gray? Someone said she was a silver gray when she was younger and i was sad because that meant rooster. But that's obviously not what she is. I sold my black and birchen hens, but had to keep this one. So, she's my only remaining dorking.
Well, I am VERY excited about them. I have been blessed with a new found mentor, a Poulty Hall of Famer, and Master Breeder of umpteen breeds that has taken me under his wing. I showed him the pictures of your SGs, which he said they would be excellent to start with, and with him working his Dorking connections, we shall see what we end up with in a couple years :) He told me NOT to be in a hurry...

What did he say about your reds? I CAN"T wait til I get them!​

Ed Hart had some available last month, but I'm not sure if he still does. I'll PM you his info.


Yep, in fact he sent my eggs today.
That doesn't look like my SG Dorking hens. I have seen a few hens without the peach colouring on their chest.
The Roosters are black and white.
I just got my SOP book today from the APA and there were some things about the Dorkings I had questions about.

1. The SG Dorking hen's comb is supposed to fall to one side. Are they disqualified or points deducted if the comb is huge and straight up?
2. It talks about the SG Dorking comb and the White and Cuckoo's comb but not the Red Dorking comb. Does anyone know why?

Interested in knowing more about this.

What did he say about your reds? I CAN"T wait til I get them!

He liked the size of Llewelyn, but (Bill) seems to be more of a SG kind of guy.

The red girls have been laying consistently, despite their little bald heads! I did set 30+ Red/Colored eggs on Friday, and separated mine from those I had shipped, so I'll let you know what sort of fertility is going on with them by the end of the week.

I've "outsourced" the incubating & hatching to a friend down the road who can do 2000+ eggs at a go, so I can focus on my GARDEN, and getting ready for my new flock
Hi - i have a similar hen, and I was told she is a dark grey - here is a pic to help :)


Are you going to use her with the Silver-greys? What did your mentor think of her? I love the feathers on the body!

Yes, he LOVED her. I am actually going to use her with my RC "tawny" roo who looks more SG to me. Bill was hilarious - when he opened my coop and saw Ms. Grey and Brandon, he turned around and looked at me - "Why are you ordering chicks?" and then the "better than average start" comment was also exciting too

So I will obediently follow his leading
Are you going to use her with the Silver-greys? What did your mentor think of her? I love the feathers on the body!

Yes, he LOVED her. I am actually going to use her with my RC "tawny" roo who looks more SG to me. Bill was hilarious - when he opened my coop and saw Ms. Grey and Brandon, he turned around and looked at me - "Why are you ordering chicks?" and then the "better than average start" comment was also exciting too

So I will obediently follow his leading

Girl ---- Are you holding out on me? I didn't know you had colored!
Are they just an offshoot from what you have?

I wonder what would happen if the Dark grey girl was bred with a white rooster. Looking forward to seeing what Akasha will produce with a SG roo.

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