B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

Last night, I candled eggs Jen sent me and at least 4 of them have little beginnings of life!!! Keep your fingers crossed for me!!!! I need at least a Red Dorking Rooster that I'll put over SG hens. That may be my only way to get a red flock for me!!!
Dave - they are gorgeous - looks like you have at least 3 girls there :)

Congratulations! I'm a proud Chicken Grandma!~

We think we may have 4 hens.... Thanks again.
Darling Ms. Tigerlilly!

That little buffy striped one on the bottom of the picture is a Tawny! Looks just like my lovies :) Congrats!

Cool! Since I got so few from the Colored eggs, I'm going to concentrate on Red, SG & White. Then eventually Cuckoo, too.
I'm done hatching for awhile. I need to give myself a break & have hens broody in all but the Dorking pen!
Go figure - the one pen I want to go broody!
Tell me about it. I have been a hatching fool, at last count I had about 70 chicks.
I have no idea wheree they all came from. I will be taking some to the local auction on Friday. I plan on getting some eggs from a friend and after that hatch I am planning on shutting the bator off for awhile. But I still have 3 batches of eggs from swaps coming. I know one is due today but I haven't heard anything on the other 2.
Geez.... I wish I only had 70! I'm thinking about asking TSC if I can bring them in this weekend to sell them!

I'm selling off pet quality chicks, growing out Dorkings, taking others to sell at a show the first week in June. Hopefully, that'll lighten my load a bit! Feed is getting outrageous! All I have in the bator now are my last batch of chicks which are due friday & some peafowl eggs that I just set.

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