B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

wooo hooo chick-a-dee! Congrats!
I just found this thread. I am a totally casual backyard chicken-keeper, but I HAD to have some dorkings when I bought my day olds. I found some at a local hatchery and have 3 hens, who are about 14 weeks old now. Of my 15 chickens, I love their personalities the best. One in particular, Shaka, is so curious and friendly. I love her!

Here is a pic of two of my dorking girls. They were probably about 11-12 weeks old.

Here they are much younger, making themselves at home on my dining room table while I cleaned their brooder.

Don't know why that's so small - sorry!
Welcome to the "dorking obsessed" club! Love to see that I am not the ONLY ONE who sits on the floor of her (his) coop!

Your girls are lovely :)
Welcome to the "dorking obsessed" club! Love to see that I am not the ONLY ONE who sits on the floor of her (his) coop!

Your girls are lovely :)

Very pretty! Aren't Dorkings the BEST???

Jen -- Noah sits on the floor too...LOL. I keep a little stool out there so I can sit too.
My fave is a big stump in their pen, though.
Welcome to the "dorking obsessed" club! Love to see that I am not the ONLY ONE who sits on the floor of her (his) coop!

Your girls are lovely :)


We are a bit obsessed... I have a sweet story... I haven't given much attention to my birds this year and when I go out they all tend to run for the hills of course unless I have food then they run TO me. Tonight, I'm sitting on the coop floor... lol... and one of the girls about 4 months old comes over and hangs out with me. This is such an awesome breed, ignore them other than food and water and they still like you enough to be sociable. I've kept 7 SG hens and if the fates be kind to me, one of my 2 surviving Reds will be male and I can breed Red over SG. I've given up getting Reds any other way.
Besides, I've got really pretty SGs so the blood will be good in the Reds. I should also note, I've got a 5 toed Light Sussex mixed SG Dorking... You know the Dorking was one of the ancestors of the Sussex... I'm gonna put my red roo over her too and see what comes of it. She is by far my biggest and most beautiful girl in the bunch! I know my reds won't be worth salt as pure breeds but after several generations and if all goes well and they come out as pretty as I hope they will, then it'll be a good thing.


We are a bit obsessed... I have a sweet story... I haven't given much attention to my birds this year and when I go out they all tend to run for the hills of course unless I have food then they run TO me. Tonight, I'm sitting on the coop floor... lol... and one of the girls about 4 months old comes over and hangs out with me. This is such an awesome breed, ignore them other than food and water and they still like you enough to be sociable. I've kept 7 SG hens and if the fates be kind to me, one of my 2 surviving Reds will be male and I can breed Red over SG. I've given up getting Reds any other way.
Besides, I've got really pretty SGs so the blood will be good in the Reds. I should also note, I've got a 5 toed Light Sussex mixed SG Dorking... You know the Dorking was one of the ancestors of the Sussex... I'm gonna put my red roo over her too and see what comes of it. She is by far my biggest and most beautiful girl in the bunch! I know my reds won't be worth salt as pure breeds but after several generations and if all goes well and they come out as pretty as I hope they will, then it'll be a good thing.


precious story Dave - thanks for sharing...

I just had a Tawny Red chick hatch a week ago, which is basically a SG over a Red hen. I will post the pic for you in the next day or so, they are lovely :)

It really is all about having chickens you enjoy, no matter WHAT color they are! Seriously, if you think about your own "breeding" what color are YOU really?
Hi Yall
I'm gonna tentatively step on in and

With some things that have happened here lately, we've decided we'd like to focus on different breed, Dorkings, specifically colored and cuckoo. Trying to locate a good breeder close by with these colors seems a bit of a stretch! Or one that has been raising a flock in the same type of weather as us (hot and humid spring/summer/fall). So I guess it'll be a good breeder w/good stock from wherever and any state at this point
We'd like to get some hatching eggs in the fall, so we've got time to get some things taken care of around here first, and for the cooler weather.

Fixin to pay my dues for the Dorking club, here shortly, and hoping to help with the preservation of such a wonderful breed!
I think Ed Hart in IL has cuckoo. But you'll want to call him and find out if he ships eggs in the fall. He also has RC colored, but I believe availability is rather limited.

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