B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain :

Yes, it's nice when the eggs are different.

Well, I was skunked this year, with the exception of eggs/chicks mailed in.
157 Dorking eggs set, 0 chicks. *sigh* Here's to hoping next year is better.....

Wow and I thought my 10% fertility was bad. I am so sorry!!!!
I hope next year is much better!​
Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain :


Well, I was skunked this year, with the exception of eggs/chicks mailed in.
157 Dorking eggs set, 0 chicks. *sigh* Here's to hoping next year is better.....

I'm sorry to hear that.

My hatch rates have also been dismal .. a total of 3 and 1 drowned. We have similar lines, don't we? I wonder if that has something to do with it?

Congrats to jgervais, on your new Dorks!

Oh wow
for all of you. I had no idea the fertility issues where THAT bad with Dorkings over there.

My Dorking x's have been hatching like popcorn but I've yet to get a pure one. I have to get everyone in proper breeding pens in the next week or so so they are ready for the spring breeding season. I keep saying I'll get it done and still haven't.
Oh and just for fun when I'm shortly going to want eggs to hatch, another hen is looking like she's going to go broody.
My SGD are not having any trouble with fertility or hatching but this year I am getting mostly roosters

At any given time I have a Broody SD Dorking hen
Wow and I thought my 10% fertility was bad. I am so sorry!!!!
I hope next year is much better!

Oh no! So I should prob hang on to more than one Roo just to make sure I get a fertile one before sending the others to freezer camp?
Is low fertility common in the breed?
jgervais ! in order to know who sires what it is preferable to use one cock in a pen. I was tight for space and kept two ( they grew up together) with the hens, result 100% fertility. The one eventually beat the other up so badly I had to remove the wounded one. The cock in the next pen over kept challenging the remaining Dorking cock. Still had 100% fertility. I think the competition is good and encourages the cocks to mate more often even if they are not in the same pen. I would always try to keep more than one male. Two males may look alike but one will often be the better sire. If you only keep one breeding cock and he DIES you could be out of Luck finding another when you need him with a breed as scarce as Dorkings. Just My Opinion! Bill
Not directed at anyone in particular except kgervais nor was I bragging . The principles apply to any breed. I Read several comments on lack of fertility, thought my observations might help somebody. I sold the adults and set 30 fertile eggs, ( checked at a week) in the hatcher then thermometer went off and cooked all of my eggs. Washed the Hatcher thermometer moving the mercury tube . Don't Do That ! Learn by a dummies mistake.
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What are the DQs for a Dorking (Silver Gray) in an APA show?

Does anyone here show their Dorkings or know the SOP very well?

I need help deciding whether any of my hens are close enough to SQ to go to a Heritage Breed Expo. I am entering Lucky, even though I know that he has faults.
A friend talked me into it, said he needed to be seen by the public. I've never shown, and my flock free ranges in the dirt, etc. so any advice, tips etc. would be welcome.


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