B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

I have two dozen SG Dorking eggs on their way to me!!!!
They are from only a couple of hours away so hopefully will be here tomorrow!

Tasmania, Australia. A long way from you I bet.....

I am going to have to edit my details to show I am in Australia I think
Well that could have gone better, eggs arrived this morning. I opened the box to be greeted with yolk smeared egg cartons.

Of the 24 eggs sent three were smashed, three were cracked, twelve have a ruptured air sac. So only 6 in good enough condition to set in the 'bator.

The sender is going to resend some replacements in the next couple of weeks wrapped in bubble wrap and packed individually with shredded paper packed tightly around them. They should arrive in much better condition
I would have set the ones with the ruptured air sac... those can still hatch if given the opportunity to settle and you handle carefully. But that's very nice of them to send replacements.
Good luck with the 6.
I left the eggs with the ruptured air sac to sit in an egg carton overnight and did some reading up and decided to set them and see if anything develops.
I want Dorkings, but live up in the Idaho Panhandle.
We get below zero weather here. I wonder if I could make little hand felted caps for their combs (no I am not kidding!)?

Sandhill has the White Dorking which calls for rose combs, otherwise....but I really like the Siler Grey and Black Dorkings......
I raise Dorkings in Alaska, and they have magnificent combs. Jeanne at Black Diamond Guest Ranch in Montana has Dorkings. At least I think she still does... google the ranch. She has weather almost as bad as ours.

And, on a happy note, I FINALLY have two dorking chicks under a broody... from my own rooster. Not sure what happened to change things... perhaps it was taking the girls away for a week or so that did it... but there's one boy and one girl.

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