B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain :


New Dorking chicks... red boy, and SG girl.
With a Black Copper Maran boy and Splash Silkie mom. I think next year I'm going to let my broodies do ALL the work.


Cute chicks! And I don't think your customers will like the waiting list if you are only using broodies.​
Cute chicks! And I don't think your customers will like the waiting list if you are only using broodies.

What customers?
I let the hatchery go this year, and will only be hatching for ME. bwahahahahaha!
Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain :

Cute chicks! And I don't think your customers will like the waiting list if you are only using broodies.

What customers?
I let the hatchery go this year, and will only be hatching for ME. bwahahahahaha!​

How did I miss that?
Congratulations! You get to enjoy summer again!
What customers?
I let the hatchery go this year, and will only be hatching for ME. bwahahahahaha!

How did I miss that?
Congratulations! You get to enjoy summer again!

Hubby decided he didn't like the birds anymore... more the fact that I was never around because cleaning up after all those birds was a 25/8/400 job.
I've consolidated all the birds into one coop for the winter, then will separate in the spring to a few breeding pens to keep working on the few breeds I kept. Dorkings, BBS/L Orpingtons, BCMs, Splash Silkies, Millies, and Bourbon Red Turkeys. Just for meat/eggs for us, and maybe sell a few chicks in the Spring.
Next year I WILL have a summer!
Just put six SG Dorking eggs in the hatcher along with four Barnevelder eggs.
Here's hoping they all hatch ok
Well, Here goes!

Just found this thread this afternoon, wondering why I didn't search for it earlier. LOL

I'm in SW Virginia, just got back into poultry earlier in the spring with an assortment of bantams. I've wanted to get back for a number of years, but one thing and another kept getting in the way...

Doing research on breeds, I discovered Heritage breeds. OH BOY! one thing to another to another, I finally narrowed my breed list down to the Dorking and Cochins... Actually Cochins started off on my list since that was my favorite breed when I had birds years ago (thanks to my supervisor at UMaine, Bob Hawes who provided me with my first blue splash sweetheart

So now I've decided on a breed, but do you think I can find any quality birds chicks or eggs anywhere near me? nope. at least not that I can find from searching the web...

granted I could travel 3-4 hours away and probably find some, but that's not really an option right now (long story that boils down to being abused by horses for too many years...

So maybe I've found the place to be and brains to pick for what I'm looking for. I can hope so.

Thanks for being there!
Hi Karen! Welcome!

The best source for white and colored Dorkings is probably Ed Hart. Red Dorking would be from Roger Tice, and Silver Grey Dorking would probably be Murray McMurray Hatchery. Dorking breeders are few and far between, unfortunately, and those are the ones we know about. There are reported to be some other, more recluse breeders, but for all intents and purposes, they're non-existant when it comes to the procural of stock. We are working to have stock in White Dorkings to the point that we are comfortable sharing it but are not there yet.

Consider joining the Dorking Breeders Club.


Actually I found that website about a month ago, but it doesn't seem to have much traffic... besides I live here at BYC LOL. I work from home so I'm able to surf a bit and read up in between calls.

And as far as Murray, I haven't heard great things about their stock, so I'd be hesitant getting a heritage breed from there... I'd rather have someone I can at least see pics of the parent birds.
Well then, try Duane Urch, who is the parent stock for Murray McMurray. Most, if not all, of the SG stock you will find on BYP is either McM or DU. There is some from Ideal hatchery, but that stock is very touch and go.

As for the Club, you don't really join it for the sake of the website, but rather for access to the breeders list, which is actually still in development. However, the most experienced breeders in Dorkings will communicate via the club newsletter and not on-line. It seems to be a general trend among Dorking breeders.


Quality Silver Gray Dorkings are practically non existent at this time, I'm sad to say. I am trying to breed my own strain from several sources and don't have anything worthwhile, yet. I have some thoughts about Murray McMurray... I did get SGs from them in 2005 that were very close to the Standard. Both McM and Urch have bred broodiness out of their strains, so that is something to consider. I, personally, want broody Dorkings.
A couple years ago, I contacted Urch and he said that McM had his line. When my friend contacted McM, they denied this, saying that they had their own strain for some time. I've seen McM SGs recently, both photos and in person, and most are not as close to type as my first birds. This year, I bought a couple culls from a BYC member, who had ordered them from McM. Here they are:



I'm on a serious search for SGs that are closer to the Standard. I met Jeannette Beranger of the ALBC, and she suggested importing some from Canada. So far, no one from Canada wants to help with that. I also spoke with Christine, a SPPA member, who is going to make finding better Dorkings a project.

There are nice Reds and Whites out there, being bred by individuals. If you wants SGs, be prepared to work to bring them closer to the SOP.


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