B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

Anybody have Silver Dorkings from Ideal Hatchery? I'm thinking about getting on the wait list to order some, unless I can find somebody with hatching eggs to place under a broody.
Would they be at least as good as Mcmurray's? For some reason I prefer working with Ideal, but not enough to get lesser quality chicks, if the Dorkings are better from Mcmurray's.
also, I'd be interested in buying a dozen eggs and would prefer colored or red, if possible. I seem to be having quite a few broodies all winter so it's probably pretty safe for me to take the chance on buying some hatching eggs pretty soon, despite not having an incubator. Thanks!
if memory serves, Ideal is a drop shipper, which means they may actually be dealing with mmcm chicks... I've got some mmcm silver greys and they're not bad, but i haven't got much to compare to, since i've only got the one trio (roo and 2 hens), 1 unrelated (mmcm lines tho) pullet, and 12 assorted chicks from the trio.

I would have eggs to sell, but my roo's slacking on the job and all my eggs have been clear since christmas. i keep threatenning him but he's ignoring me since he knows that none of the other roos will be ready to do anything for 3 or 4 more months probably.

I've got 2 people waiting on eggs now, and i've been incubating EVERY egg i get but so far they just end up hard boiled for the dogs.
Anybody have Silver Dorkings from Ideal Hatchery? I'm thinking about getting on the wait list to order some, unless I can find somebody with hatching eggs to place under a broody.
Would they be at least as good as Mcmurray's? For some reason I prefer working with Ideal, but not enough to get lesser quality chicks, if the Dorkings are better from Mcmurray's.

All the Dorkings I've seen from Ideal have not been as good as what I've seen from McMurray's. I do know breeders who have improved upon Ideal stock, but I still would recommend McM over Ideal.

Agh! :hit Went out to check all the chickens this morning and the younger 5 toed pullet was dead! No idea what happened, all the other chicks are fine. Why is it always the best/nicest/favorite that something happens to? :(
A few pics of my Dorkings - I have no idea what 'standards' are - any feedback would be great (positive or negative on their 'quality' very appreciated)

Beautiful birds jgervais, I especially like the leg length on your hens. Any idea on the weights of your cock birds? Hen weights?

As a general question to all, has anyone noted any advantage in higher % protein feeds in starting chicks in the first eight weeks? I've had experience with other heritage breeds that had similar maturing times as Dorkings and noted a profound difference in birds making size milestones (eg 3+ lbs by 12 weeks). It really seemed to make the most difference the first 8-12 weeks thereafter switching to lower 18% flock raiser as the higher protein didn't seem to affect much how the birds finished.

Is any one butchering their culls? If so, how are the carcasses dressing out and at how many weeks are you butchering?

Hi everyone,

I'm new to this thread. I have 7 dorking juvies I got from Flip Flop Ranch. I've had my heart set on this breed for a long time. I think I have a 5 toed pair Yeah! But they're only about 6 weeks and 2 different colors so we'll have to see.

Medic, yes, I use turkey starter on all my chicks. We stared getting it for the turkeys poults and ducklings and I just figured, hey, it's only like 1 or 2 dollars more, why not? I can tell a difference not only in their growth, but in the way they feather out, and their general health. I lose a lot less chicks since switching to the higher protein.

I'm wondering, if my chicks do turn out to be a pair, will I be messing up breeding what seems to be a brown (roo) with a grey(pullet)? Should I stick to trying to breed like colors? I have another brown, but I think it's a roo too. I do have some gray roos, but they don't have the 5 toes. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Beautiful birds jgervais! :D I particularly like the roo on the left in the first pic, lovely clear silver hackles and saddle. I wish my guy looked like that, he has more black in his like the roo on the right. They are all nice solid birds, I like them a lot. I've only got silver greys here but I do love seeing the other colors. :D

John, I have noticed a difference, from only a tiny sample group mind you. I usually use a gamebird or turkey starter depending what I can get but there have been some issues getting stock in so I only have regular chick starter at the moment and I am disappointed at the chicks growth. The one pure chick I grew out before and the Dorking crosses seemed to grow much faster, this group of purebred Dorkings and bantie crosses the banties seem to be where I'd expect them to be but the Dorkings seem much smaller. I didn't end up weighing the roo as he grew last time but I will try to keep track of these chicks as they grow.
RareBreedFancier, I'm sorry about your pullet!

jgervais, I'm certainly no judge, so can't really evaluate your birds properly, but I agree with the comments so far... I like the low stature of the hens and the nice silver hackles on the roo.

007medic, I started feeding turkey starter to my flock last summer. The Dorkings still seem to be taking their time to mature. I do butcher my culls but have never weighed them. I will next time.

Deb, It's nice that you got the Dorkings you wanted. If you are serious about breeding a standard variety, use the ones with 5 toes and don't mix colors or you'll end up frustrated, trying to breed them back to true type.

I've finally finished my Dorking inventory, going over each one, taking photographs & notes. I've sorted them into their breeding pens/areas. I have some new chicks ordered. Hoping for a better breeding season this year!


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