B.Y.C. Dorking Club!

The ones I saw pictures of that were black and white and grey were on a website called Dorking Breeders Club and they were titled "Sandhill dorkings".

Were they yours?
the black are supposed to be solid black, and the dark grey is colored like a dark brahma, according to sandhill's description.

here's a pic of my own dark brahma hen who's since been sold off for being TOO broody and producing nothing but screaming idiots. no matter what i gave her for chicks/eggs, they all went 100% wild and would scream bloody murder when you cornered them. LOL.
Karen, that's too funny about the Brahma -- I was just thinking about letting our broody bantam Brahma hatch some of my daughter's bantam Ameraucana eggs, but now I'm wondering if that's a good idea. She may never be able to handle them!

It was nice to see you at the show in Harrisonburg. We came home and took a critical look at our current batch of SG Dorking chicks, and I'm gratified that one of the cockerels is WAY larger and heavier than his flockmates of the same age. He's now been banded and is our current best bet for our new cock. As you could see from the hen DD brought to the show, size is a problem for us like everyone else!

Hope you and your flock are well.
Just wanted to post a quick note because it's been extremely hectic lately!

I got 20 Silver Grey Dorkings from Ideal on Thursday: it looks like 15 pullets and 5 cockerels. So far, they look fine - haven't noticed any duck feet, and everyone has 5 toes. Very little pasty butt. That's about all I can tell for now.

They seem much sweeter, and much more calm than my Ameraucanas. At least they did until yesterday afternoon, when they ran to a corner screaming when I put a hand in the brooder - I must have moved too quickly because last night they were not alarmed by my hand.

Is it normal for Dorkings to sleep most of the time? It seems as if they are asleep almost every time I check in on them, with a few exceptions. They can be standing up, and all of a sudden will doze off, planting their beaks and slowly sink to the ground. (It is hilarious to watch, and rather endearing.) I've checked the temp every time, and it's still at 95. The Ameraucanas seemed to be "up and at 'em" constantly, and rarely slept except at night. They other major difference I see is the that the Ameraucanas "puddled up" when they slept, but the Dorkings pretty much stop and drop wherever they are when the Sandman sprinkles sleeping dust on them.
Just wanted to post a quick note because it's been extremely hectic lately!

I got 20 Silver Grey Dorkings from Ideal on Thursday: it looks like 15 pullets and 5 cockerels. So far, they look fine - haven't noticed any duck feet, and everyone has 5 toes. Very little pasty butt. That's about all I can tell for now.

They seem much sweeter, and much more calm than my Ameraucanas. At least they did until yesterday afternoon, when they ran to a corner screaming when I put a hand in the brooder - I must have moved too quickly because last night they were not alarmed by my hand.

Is it normal for Dorkings to sleep most of the time? It seems as if they are asleep almost every time I check in on them, with a few exceptions. They can be standing up, and all of a sudden will doze off, planting their beaks and slowly sink to the ground. (It is hilarious to watch, and rather endearing.) I've checked the temp every time, and it's still at 95. The Ameraucanas seemed to be "up and at 'em" constantly, and rarely slept except at night. They other major difference I see is the that the Ameraucanas "puddled up" when they slept, but the Dorkings pretty much stop and drop wherever they are when the Sandman sprinkles sleeping dust on them.
i would say drop the temp a little and you'll see them huddle more... if anything i tend to keep my brooders a bit cooler than some, but then again they're ready to go outside usually in 2-3 weeks with a heat emitter in the house outside. but they're rarely in the house. my 3-4 week olds are nearly ready to start free ranging too, which means no more heat at all.

i use a 60 watt heat emitter about 10" off the shavings in the brooder, and raise/lower it with new chicks depending on their behavior. if they huddle and cry i lower it a bit until the crying stops, and when they start spreading out to sleep (too warm) then i raise it up a bit. usually by the time they're 2 weeks old it's raised up all the way (16" ceiling) and cut off soon after. but the house tends to stay in the 70 degree range with doors open during the day for fresh air.

and yes they sleep a lot. LOL even the adults take a siesta most afternoons. not quite so 'out' as babies, but they all have their favorite spot to hang out on and plunk down.

i've posted this pic before but it shows what i mean...
Just wanted to post a quick note because it's been extremely hectic lately!

I got 20 Silver Grey Dorkings from Ideal on Thursday: it looks like 15 pullets and 5 cockerels. So far, they look fine - haven't noticed any duck feet, and everyone has 5 toes. Very little pasty butt. That's about all I can tell for now.

They seem much sweeter, and much more calm than my Ameraucanas. At least they did until yesterday afternoon, when they ran to a corner screaming when I put a hand in the brooder - I must have moved too quickly because last night they were not alarmed by my hand.

Is it normal for Dorkings to sleep most of the time? It seems as if they are asleep almost every time I check in on them, with a few exceptions. They can be standing up, and all of a sudden will doze off, planting their beaks and slowly sink to the ground. (It is hilarious to watch, and rather endearing.) I've checked the temp every time, and it's still at 95. The Ameraucanas seemed to be "up and at 'em" constantly, and rarely slept except at night. They other major difference I see is the that the Ameraucanas "puddled up" when they slept, but the Dorkings pretty much stop and drop wherever they are when the Sandman sprinkles sleeping dust on them.
I agree with Ki4got the ones I hatched out were very sleepy for the first week and now they are perky and running around everywhere.

Congrats on your new babies!!
Thanks, K.I.!
I've lowered the temp a bit. It's already in the high 80's here, so that probably has a great effect even though the thermometers were all saying 90 - 95 before.
Their coop should be done next week, and I will be able to regulate much more easily out there.
Thanks, K.I.!
I've lowered the temp a bit. It's already in the high 80's here, so that probably has a great effect even though the thermometers were all saying 90 - 95 before.
Their coop should be done next week, and I will be able to regulate much more easily out there.
no prob. good luck with them. and yes, external temp and humidity can affect chicks as much as localized heat. with it that warm outside i dare say they won't need heat much longer except maybe at nights. i'm putting my broody momma outside this afternoon, once i put the top on the new pen.
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Ours pretty much do that, too... the passing out thing. I am brand new to chickens so I thought that was normal!

The 8 we got are 10 days old now and are getting their wing and tailfeathers!
Hi, I've not been doing BYC much of late. My spring has been super crazy this year both with poultry breeding and health issues within my family. I just wanted to share my Dorkings. I have a great breeding flock now that I've waited for since first getting into chickens in 2008. I did get my start of Silver Greys from McMurray, and I'm very pleased with them. I'm also working with Red chicks I got this year from Dick Horstman.


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