B12 vs B Complex? Please help me to understand


Mar 28, 2019
DeWinton, Alberta
My Coop
My Coop
Can anybody tell me where and how each of these two, B12 or B Complex, should be used? I've got a 28 week old pullet who is having trouble walking. (I've been trying to get a video but it's frickin' cold here right now!!!)

As a new chicken owner I failed to recognize her clumsiness as a potential problem earlier. She has become quite unstable and I fear Merek's - but realize that it could also be a vitamin deficiency. I am giving a multi in their water but have read a few things here about the importance of B vitamins.

Can somebody enlighten me on the difference and potential uses for each of these two products. Specific suggestions of brands would be helpful, or ingredients both good and bad (both medicinal and non-medicinal if applicable) to watch for would also be appreciated. Also human products if possible as I don't have an avian vet. Without some guidance it is a guarantee that I will buy the wrong thing.
B12 would only contain B12. B complex should contain all the B vitamins which would be thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, B6, B12, folic acid and pantothenic acid.
You would have to check the label to see how much B12 in the former vs. how much in the latter.
The problems could be many and not just a B deficiency. IMO, a good source of vitamin, mineral and essential amino acid supplements is Nutri-Drench.
With leg health in chickens, riboflavin vitamin B 2 is very important. B2 is included in B Complex, while B 12 is just, well, B 12. Some poultry vitamins such as NutriDrench, do not contain B2 riboflavin, so check your label. Poultry Cell, another brand similar to NutriDrench, does contain B2 riboflavin. On the label, it may just say riboflavin instead of B2.

If you can post a short video of your chicken walking or standing to YouTube with a link posted here, that may help us to see what is going on.
With leg health in chickens, riboflavin vitamin B 2 is very important. B2 is included in B Complex, while B 12 is just, well, B 12. Some poultry vitamins such as NutriDrench, do not contain B2 riboflavin, so check your label. Poultry Cell, another brand similar to NutriDrench, does contain B2 riboflavin. On the label, it may just say riboflavin instead of B2.

If you can post a short video of your chicken walking or standing to YouTube with a link posted here, that may help us to see what is going on.
Yes, I will try to get a video tomorrow as it is supposed to warm up a bit. Last time I tried she annoyingly looked pretty normal (like when you go to the doctor and then feel fine) and it was FREEZING outside. I will have more patience tomorrow.
It does appear that stress aid has riboflavin, but I would feel more comfortable using a chicken vitamin or the human B complex. Your local pharmacy probably has it, or you can also use nutritional yeast.
Good points made. A good fresh poultry feed, fed exclusively, should contain all the vitamins chickens need. What makes up their entire diet?
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I'm using something called Stress-Aid

Your "Stress Aid" link does go to drugs.com Canada - I see it should be labeled for poultry, turkey, cattle, swine, etc. It does contain B2 (Riboflavin), but it is a Vitamin/Electrolyte product that should not be used for a long period of time. Personally, I would not use it for more than 2-3 days a week. (for a sick bird)
If you wish - post a photo of the exact product you have - both front and back.

Human B-Complex, can also be used - do you have a local pharmacy that carries vitamins?

Being in Canada, sometimes it's harder for us in the US to make specific recommendations on products available to you. It may be better to show us photos of products that you have found and are considering.

I'm sorry that your pullet is having trouble walking. Posting the video when you can, may be helpful.
Tell us about what you feed including treats.
Sometimes it's very hard to know if a chicken has disease unless you lose them and have some testing performed.

Look forward to more information and photos/video.

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