Babies crying at bedtime


In the Brooder
Jan 23, 2016
3 babies are 4 weeks old. Fine all day. But when the sun is going down. They just cry and cry. They cry for about 30 mins. Then are quiet all nite. But it's killing me. I'm using a ceramic heat element. So no light. Should I leave the room light on all nite. Or will they adjust as they get older ?
I'm sure that they will adjust. Natural night times are good for chicks - gives them time to rest, digest their food and get ready for another crazy day of chick antics ahead!

They are not "crying". Really - they're not afraid of the dark, they're just making chicken noises. It could be that they're just settling in for the night. As CT said, the "natural night" cycle is good for them. Are they in your house where it's warm, or out in a coop? You could make sure they aren't too cold if they're in a coop, but I doubt that's the problem. At 4 weeks, they should be pretty much feathered out by now.
No. In the house with a ceramic heat bulb. No light. I thought natural light was best. But they seemed terrified of the sun going down
Awwwww that is such a comforting thing to say
thank you . But I don't believe it. They are screaming.
Is there natural light in the room so they experience the slowly lowering light from 3-4 hours before sunset until full dark....
....or are you turning off the room light abruptly after it's already dark outside?
Is there natural light in the room so they experience the slowly lowering light from 3-4 hours before sunset until full dark....
....or are you turning off the room light abruptly after it's already dark outside?
Both window shades open all day. They get natural light all day and natural sun setting light
Don't know what to tell you......'screaming' is not good, but hard to tell if it's truly distress cheeping or not without hearing it myself.
If they quiet down after a while and eating, drinking, pooping, activity levels, seem ok, I wouldn't worry about it.

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