Babies dying!!!!


In the Brooder
11 Years
May 5, 2008
3 out of 6 baby chicks have died. One of them looked as he was not completely formed: bloody head, sticky feathers... I found another one underneath the mamma after a week she or he was born. What's wrong? Is mamma sloppy and she is killing them, (suffocating them) or there is something more serious going on?
thank you so much!!!
Are there other hens around that are broody? I think broody hens will kill chicks that don't belong to them if momma is not going to defend them. I'd also suspect any roosters, especially if the chick is not from the dominant roo. Otherwise, look around for sharp objects and make sure water and food are right near the hen. If she is still sitting on eggs, she will not lead those hatched to either.

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