Babies just keep hatching!!!


8 Years
Jan 14, 2012
Just wanted to thank the board for all the good Info,
and share baby pictures.
Just nine to go.
One has piped and one is zipping.
The future babies if all goes well. I had to put them in the other cooler in tell these hatched.
They showed up on the 15 and I did not expect them in tell 21-24th The eggs where shipped really poorly and lost a lot of them before even setting them!
Just 4 more to go,,,,
It has been a much better hatch than I had wished for.
. My new homemade incubator is running like a champ,

This is a batch of little mixed Cortunix birds mostly for the eggs but are sure

Now if the Big birds hatch as well
. The buttons started hatching yesterday and didn’t stop all night. I never thought so many would become real birds. If someone wants buttons in Ohio I will be placing a free ad soon as everyone is a little older. It’s kind of hard to tell yet but I am getting some colors I didn’t start with.

I will not set more buttons, I will not set more buttons, I will not set more buttons!!!!!!!!

Baby rabbits, Quail, and Buttons
Just to much cute in this house right now.
I would absolutely love to get some of your Buttons!!!! I have been searching everywhere! They seem hard to find in Ohio. Where are you located? I am in Massillon.

I just tried my first hatch in my new little giant with about 96-99 degrees and around60% humidity. The first batch hatch on day 16-17. 5 hatched. 2 died (my fault). Examined the rest of the eggs and most had a very small dark area resembling the start of an embryo.

They eggs had arrived during that small period of cold a few weeks ago from Louisiana. 5 broke in shipping so he sent me another 25.
5 were floaters or broke again. So I had to put them in with the others which made them about 1 week apart. so far on day 17, 3 hatched and day 20, 1 more hatched. I still have them in there in case more will hatch...doubtful

They were on an auto turner. For some reason I had a hard time getting temp to regulate at first. And the humidity was to keep exact was very hard. I wonder if my temp spiking to 100 degrees would have killed them?????

Any ways I am very sad I don't have very many and would like any suggestions, buttons, or eggs.

New babies from last Sunday are doing great and the babies that started this thread started laying 2 days ago with 5 eggs today. I still can’t believe how fast they grow.

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