Baby Chcik With a GREEN rear end!!!!And other chick question

serama hen

7 Years
Sep 9, 2012
Nothern New Jersey
A baby chick hatched and when it did i noticed a green tint on its backside the cord is gone and so is the yolk but this green tint is their what is it its only on one half of the behind and i have another chick witha scratched and bleeding wing and the other keep pecking at it and 2 sticky chicks that took a bath and were blow dried and put into the brooder all 4 are in the brooder healthy and pipping and running around but the one with green is in the bator.What should i do!?!?!?!?
Also the one that is getting its wing pecked should probably be separated off or have the wound sprayed with a little bit of blue kote to stop the pecking.

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