Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

The chicks got to explore the outside today
Crested Polish...a soon to be Punk Rock Band

They already look like a punk rock band! XD

My babies are already getting their wing and tail feathers, so I'll get some recent pics up soon, but here are some (a lot of) pics of my baby silkies.

The firstborn, who hatched under the hen but tumbled out from under her when kicking free from the egg.

The thirdborn, who needed assistance due to a dry membrane. The secondborn also needed assistance, but that was due to the inner membrane shrink-wrapping. We didn't take any pictures of the second one as we felt it wouldn't make it, but it went from being limp, to trying to stand but not able to lift it's head up, to then stumbling around with it's head held up... And now running and jumping around like a maniac!
After the third one, who was more energetic than the second as we assisted sooner due to knowing what to do and the outer membrane going brown, we put the rest of the eggs in the incubator. All 5, including the two assisted ones, are strong and healthy babies now.

This one hatched in the incubator, being the fourthborn, and has pink toes. One foot has a single inner toe, while the other (under the fluff) has the double toe. The 5th also hatched without issue in the incubator. I was puzzled by this as their parents have no pink on them and both have doubled toes.

Me being swarmed by the fluff.

And the babies having fun outside in the sun.

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