Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

Chicken little and her not so little babies.
Alright so I might not be the freshest, but never too late to pay a compliment. Love this one. I'd caption it "one chick with an attitude"!!!

What breed is this, anyway?

Haha that's a Rhode Island Red:) We have decided she has the looks of a serial killer! She's actually the sweetest little one though ironically
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Both my rocks are sweet! She was on my lap almost sleeping when I took this picture today! My kids say it's creepy too close up! But I love when you can see the details! PS Her formal name is BabyCakes! ha ha (they all respond to baby!)
I miss my chicks. They are now 16 weeks. I have my one black astrolop who follows me everywhere (for treats). However, none of them want to be picked up or snuggle. :(

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