Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

Pretty sure my RIR is a pullet.
!!!!! Your RIR chick is so cute!!
Is it normal for them to fly and jump at each other? They don't do it all the time. They seem to do it more when I put them in their coop (coop run). I live in Florida, so I put them outside for 15 minutes twice a day to get them used to their coop and extra large run. Otherwise, they are in my bedroom in a large clear storage container, with lamp, thermometer, etc. It's been a very long time since I've had chicks, I can't remember.
Is it normal for them to fly and jump at each other?  They don't do it all the time.  They seem to do it more when I put them in their coop (coop run).  I live in Florida, so I put them outside for 15 minutes twice a day to get them used to their coop and extra large run.   Otherwise, they are in my bedroom in a large clear storage container, with lamp, thermometer, etc.  It's been a very long time since I've had chicks, I can't remember.

Totally normal! Like stretching those little wings. Usually once one does it they all join in:) It's like a little burst of excitement:)
Champy, that Golden Laced is going to be beautiful Less feathers? She's getting her pin feathers in. They go through a real funny looking stage.
Oh, I meant the first two photos were taken today and the last one was actually from a few days ago! She seems to be growing her feathers nearly overnight, haha!
And I hope so! Our hens (we have another two besides these) are mainly for laying, rather than showing or anything like that, but I have to admit picking this one in particular pretty much only for the adult Gold-Laced colouring.

Here's another one of her, also taken today:


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