Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!


Here are some chicks fresh from the incubator!


Blue copper marans, splash marans and wheaten/blue wheaten ameraucanas!


Im letting these two dry off and fluff up some more before moving them to the brooder. They're so cute!!
Tippie reminds me of one that I hatched a few months ago. I called it owl face for a while. Thought it might be a boy for a long time, but I think I wished it into a know it's a pullet now. Her face is now all black with big puffs. And she has the white stripes going down the neck. Very nice looking girl..with a white chest with some black in it.
Tippie reminds me of one that I hatched a few months ago.  I called it owl face for a while.  Thought it might be a boy for a long time, but I think I wished it into a know it's a pullet now.  Her face is now all black with big puffs.  And she has the white stripes going down the neck. Very nice looking girl..with a white chest with some black in it. 

Sounds very pretty! Tippie's comb isnkt growing a lot,but is really starting t get red.

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