Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

Yes. I can't wait to see what they will look like when they feather out! One has light Carmel color lacing and the other has a dark grey lacing. I'll try to get a picture of their wings later.
Mine came to me at 2 to 2 1/2 weeks old! They have been here going on 3 days now - with their little duck friend. :)

No names yet... I kind of want to wait to see which sex they will be.

Silver Laced and my Khaki Campbell

First night home...

After settling into the bigger brooder. They are loving it and each other.
I most certainly will, now I'm curious if any others may not be what I was told. I got them all from Meyers.

I have been wondering the same thing, got my chicks from Meyer 1 month ago and now I am questioning if I got what I ordered. I ordered Welsummers and think I didn't get them, the farm store had some and they looked nothing like mine so I questioned wether they were selling theirs as something that they were not and found it was the other way around. Your yellow one looks like my Buff Orpingtons, but I know there are several that look like that early then change. I also think I got several roos in my order, I have to wait to see. As far as the Welsummer Meyer's explaination was that another breed of chick could have jumped over into the Welsummer tub, but I got 2 so did they jump in a pair? To say the least I am a frustrated chick mama until they get older, but I have already fell in love with all 15 of my chicks!!!!
My mom's Lt. Brahmas were mostly yellow with dark splashes as chicks -- exactly like the ones on Feathersite. I've never seen a chick with dark gray down turn into a white adult...
My mom's Lt. Brahmas were mostly yellow with dark splashes as chicks -- exactly like the ones on Feathersite. I've never seen a chick with dark gray down turn into a white adult...

I have one and I said I don't know how it is going to be white and sure enough it is turni g white will take pix this weekend and share

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