Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

My girls playing outside when it was nice and warm the other day. Now we have snow again not going outside today. They are about a month old.



My white top hat is getting some cool feathers.
The Polish was the mystery chick right???

Idk bc I got two of them the black and an all white. I'm really not sure what my mystery chick was I lost 3 girls within two days of receiving the order but I think they were leghorns and/ or buffs. I have the Cochins too which I thought were exotic I got 4 of them. It's a really nice package they have. I will definitely be ordering again.
@justin7 My little Japanese bantam was the first to fly to the top of the coop. Her offspring have made a habit of sitting on top of my hubby's old truck and one even made her way to the roof of the shed (9 ft up) and the roof of the house (low point about 5 ft off the ground ). She's also the one who flew quite a distance when we were trying to lock them up before going out of town and lost herself out in a field. She got to be total free range for 3 days but had come home and was cuddled up in the dog house when we got back. Bantams are surprising for their size.
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@justin7 My little Japanese bantam was the first to fly to the top of the coop. Her offspring have made a habit of sitting on top of my hubby's old truck and one even made her way to the roof of the shed (9 ft up) and the roof of the house (low point about 5 ft off the ground ). She's also the one who flew quite a distance when we were trying to lock them up before going out of town and lost herself out in a field. She got to be total free range for 3 days but had come home and was cuddled up in the dog house when we got back. Bantams are surprising for their size.

Oh jeez! I have a quick question for the outside of the chicken coop. We currently have 3 silkies now. We have the 12 babies that are a week old. We are supposed to get 65-70 degree weather all of next week and would like my silkies to be able to go outside. How big should I make there pen? There coop is 4x8. Also last but not least, how should I make a roof so all of my feathered friends don't get soaken wet! Thanks for any help
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My ladies are 3 weeks old and now they are really starting to grow bigger fast and daily.

Unfortunately I am not close to completing their coop or run yet. Because of weather like this.

It's only 28 outside, otherwise I would be outside working on it.
Oh jeez! I have a quick question for the outside of the chicken coop. We currently have 3 silkies now. We have the 12 babies that are a week old. We are supposed to get 65-70 degree weather all of next week and would like my silkies to be able to go outside. How big should I make there pen? There coop is 4x8. Also last but not least, how should I make a roof so all of my feathered friends don't get soaken wet! Thanks for any help
I think with bantams it is 2 sq ft per bird. You could make a roof with plywood and aluminum roof panels

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