Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

Well Breakfast Lunch and Dinner know their future already!
Haha! We named them that because we thought it was funny. Though there is some truth to it too. These pullets are for egg production, though. We may expand into the other later on.

Got these girls on Saturday! The one standing on the feeder is Ida, who is an ISA Brown. The one looking fabulous on the closeup is Buffy the Mealworm Slayer, who is a Buff Orpington. The darkest girl is Velma, who is a Barnevelder. So excited to see them grow!
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Got these girls on Saturday! The one standing on the feeder is Ida, who is an ISA Brown. The one looking fabulous on the closeup is Buffy the Mealworm Slayer, who is a Buff Orpington. The darkest girl is Velma, who is a Barnevelder. So excited to see them grow!
Those Orphs lovelovelove the mealworms. They are also great cricket catchers!

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