Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

Fist 28 days watch untill the end for a bonus outake
I did not check the vent, I will do that first thing in the AM. I have them seperated in the coop. But, I don't understand the specks thing. She doesn't have red skin at all. But my girlfriend did say that she felt warm when she picked her up. Should I give the new chicks some electrolyte stuff?

If you think they're stressed or have diarrhea. Probiotics never are a bad idea though.
Only if it's a fever. Sometimes it's difficult to tell just by feeling. For example, my silkies feel WAY warmer than the rest of the chicks...because they don't have normal feathers to insulate them so they radiate more heat. If you really want to know/tick her off, you can take her temperature by inserting a lubed thermometer in her vent. You can google what normal chick temps are to see if it is actually elevated.
Only if it's a fever. Sometimes it's difficult to tell just by feeling. For example, my silkies feel WAY warmer than the rest of the chicks...because they don't have normal feathers to insulate them so they radiate more heat. If you really want to know/tick her off, you can take her temperature by inserting a lubed thermometer in her vent. You can google what normal chick temps are to see if it is actually elevated.


Here's a pic of one of our eldest. Curve ball question here, all of our chicks have this many feathers. They feathered out very nicely. Am I good now to start shutting off the heat lamp? I've been leaving it on ever since we moved them outside to there coop. Sorry, this is my first ever flock, and so far I think we are doing pretty good.

Here's a pic of one of our eldest. Curve ball question here, all of our chicks have this many feathers. They feathered out very nicely. Am I good now to start shutting off the heat lamp? I've been leaving it on ever since we moved them outside to there coop. Sorry, this is my first ever flock, and so far I think we are doing pretty good.

Unless you're in the arctic circle, I think they could go without heat in the coop now.
Finally I have some chick pics to share!! Here are my favorites!! No names yet.

My Sicilian Buttercup.

This little True Blue Whiting.

This freebie Australorp Roo

And this Golden Polish that for some reason has a spot in its top hat and a streak of blueish/silver on its back.

Can't wait to see all of them grow up!!

My FAV is Zoro

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