Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

There are some threads on the parent breed of the ameracauna breed. Quechua are a land race from South America. The parent breed for the auracauna is the Colloncas, another land race from South America. Land race breeds are not standardized and so are hard to quantify. Basicly, Quechua chickens come in just about every color and can lay many different color eggs, but they are tailed and have a 'winter face'. Colloncas can lay a rainbow of colors among even siblings and are known for gentleness, even among roosters. They are 'rumpless', meaning they have no tails, not even tail bones. Colloncas are clean faced and have no tufts or earrings.
A week old as of yesterday. Every chick was sleeping. Had to take a photo

Not quite accurate. Ameraucanas were derived from Araucanas, but they were admitted to the American Standard of Perfection as their own breed about 30 years or so ago. They are always specific colors (e.g. Wheaten Americauna, Black Ameraucana, etc.) and always lay blue eggs.

Mine all hatched from blue eggs, does that mean they'll lay blue eggs?

In clockwise order from the black one at the top: Fuzz (unknown breed), no name yet (silver laced cochin), Sgt. Tol (gold laced polish), no name yet (white crested black polish), Mabel (unknown breed), and Panda (mottled cochin).

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