Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!


My three youngest chickens!
Our broody has hatched 3 chicks so far.our bantams egg we put under our broody,is sooo tiny compared to the average chicks,guess the chick took it's genes from it's mothers side instead from our New Hampshire Boy.She also has some weird coloring,but she is still somewhat "Damp".the other newly houred hatched chicks were kinda 'trampling" her so i had to assist a little.

My daughter finally got her wish last week with a new batch of Shake n Bake :), including the teeny 10-toe cotton ball she's been dying for. I'm frantically working on Baby Chick Run 2.0 for them, as the last run we had got repurposed. I'm probably going to just buy a dog run and modify it. This will give us a better permanent enclosure that can be used once they're grown and alleviate the problem we had with our last chickens, which was containment management. I'll make sure they have have run to be very comfortable, but not give them the full backyard like last time.

BTW, does anyone know what the lighter ameraucauna may color out to when mature? She has a bit of a white undercoat with very light "wheat" coloring to the top feathering.

And as always, I hope these all end up "shes"! Crowing isn't an option in our area, even though every other neighbor can have an obnoxiously non-stop barking and howling dog!
My daughter finally got her wish last week with a new batch of Shake n Bake :), including the teeny 10-toe cotton ball she's been dying for. I'm frantically working on Baby Chick Run 2.0 for them, as the last run we had got repurposed. I'm probably going to just buy a dog run and modify it. This will give us a better permanent enclosure that can be used once they're grown and alleviate the problem we had with our last chickens, which was containment management. I'll make sure they have have run to be very comfortable, but not give them the full backyard like last time. BTW, does anyone know what the lighter ameraucauna may color out to when mature? She has a bit of a white undercoat with very light "wheat" coloring to the top feathering. And as always, I hope these all end up "shes"! Crowing isn't an option in our area, even though every other neighbor can have an obnoxiously non-stop barking and howling dog!
If it is a purebred Ameaurcana and not an Easter Egger (Ameraucana cross) it is most likely a Wheaten Ameraucana. Most feed store "Ameraucana" are Easter Eggers

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