Sour Crop Cured- but now chicken can't walk; almost comatose


May 23, 2024
Hi everyone, long-time reader but first-time poster here.
Recently, one of my hens got sour crop, and I was able to treat it with vomiting and Monistat. She was perking up and even eating again after the smell went away and her crop went down (she wouldn't eat for about a week, but was drinking a lot of water). However, shortly after that, she became unable to walk and then fell into a comatose state. I thought she was done for, but it's currently day 3 after she couldn't walk and I've been syringe feeding her a mix of nutri-drench and also liquid monistat and coconut oil to keep up her energy and prevent a sour crop relapse.

She got a little bit better (was laying on her side but is now laying down normally). She's on a rug indoors right now and seems to be sleeping peacefully. Her comb is a little purplish but she still has energy to fight the syringe and breathe deeply and regularly (though she won't open her eyes unless something big startles her).
I'm at a total loss; what could have caused her to go downhill so fast? Is it just a nutrient deficiency from not eating or could she have something else I'm not aware of? Her stomach feels normal, though she hasn't pooped since falling asleep (she hasn't had anything except the syringe mixtures though). She was head-shaking when she had sour crop but that has completely stopped now. She's also a 4 year old Golden Comet.

Thanks so much for reading, and any insight would be greatly appreciated.
Welcome To BYC

I'm sorry about your hen.

Does she lay eggs?

At 4 years old and being a production breed, she may be suffering from a reproductive disorder. Cancer, EYP, Salpingitis, etc., can be common in laying hens.
Not pooping is not a good sign. Get some fluids into her, then offer wet soupy feed. You can syringe or tube feed her for a day to see if she perks up, but from your description, she may not make it.

If you do lose her, having a necropsy through your state lab or doing one of your own may give you more information as to the cause of her decline.
Welcome To BYC

I'm sorry about your hen.

Does she lay eggs?

At 4 years old and being a production breed, she may be suffering from a reproductive disorder. Cancer, EYP, Salpingitis, etc., can be common in laying hens.
Not pooping is not a good sign. Get some fluids into her, then offer wet soupy feed. You can syringe or tube feed her for a day to see if she perks up, but from your description, she may not make it.

If you do lose her, having a necropsy through your state lab or doing one of your own may give you more information as to the cause of her decline.
Hi! Thanks for the welcome and your reply.

That's what I was afraid of- that it might be a reproductive disorder like cancer that's out of my hands to cure :(. We lost another golden comet this morning; couldn't feel anything wrong with her, it was likely a reproductive issue that got her :(.

But, the sour crop hen is doing better. She finally pooped and is a little more active. Her comb also turned a healthier color after feeding. She hasn't laid in about 2 weeks, though I don't believe she's eggbound (probably just too weak; the poor bird).

I'm hoping she pulls through; she's been such a fighter, hanging on for this long. I'll keep you guys posted in case what I do can help someone else out there 😊.

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