Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

I just use the Brooder Bottle Caps sold by The Chicken Fountain . The wire holders are the calf bottle holders found at any farm store. Screw a 2x4 in and hang the holders. A 2L bottle fits perfectly in. The chicks figured out the water nipples instantly, within just a few seconds!

Here is another pic of the bottles being used in another brooder of mine. I also have a you tube video of them using the nipple-- they really start drinking at about 1:20 - link is posted in my signature line.

you can get 2 caps (nipple already attached to lid) for $6 free shipping for the USA from The Chicken Fountain. They have SUPER fast shipping and GREAT customer service. They have an ever growing page on Facebook as well (that is how I found them)
I got 20 for $10 bucks (free shipping) and it takes 30 seconds to drill the hole and put them in, plus you can use them in just about any container.

I do like your brooder set up. and the hangers.
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Barefoot mom, it looks like you have those bottles hanging too low. They should be able to walk underneath and reach up a little to drink. If you have them too low, they will drop some drips and you end up with a wet spot.
Supposed to be all pullet , bought from Farm and Home supply

2 New Hampshire
2 Speckled Sussex
2 Barred Rock

About three days


8 days
Supposed to be all pullet , bought from Farm and Home supply

2 New Hampshire
2 Speckled Sussex
2 Barred Rock

I see two that look like red sex links, three barred Rocks, and a solid black chick -- perhaps Australorp. I hope they got the pullet part right on all of them!

ETA: enlarged the pic and see head dots on all of the black ones. Make that four barred Rocks.
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#1 little sweetie, not sure what kind of bantam she is.
#2 Farley, I think it's a boy, but I'm guessing brahma?
#3 Chatters our silkie
#4 Frick and Frack, d'uccle s?
#5 needs a name, golden sebright
#6 assorted brown egg layers 2 days old
Some very good looking chicks in this thread.

I see two that look like red sex links, three barred Rocks, and a solid black chick -- perhaps Australorp. I hope they got the pullet part right on all of them!

ETA: enlarged the pic and see head dots on all of the black ones. Make that four barred Rocks.

Yeah I don't think I got 2 speckled. Instead 4 barred like you are thinking.

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