Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

Here are my 2 Bantam Lavender Ameraucanas curled up on each other. I have a heat lamp but I used an in-app filter to get rid of the red.

~~Our new babies. Blondie is a Buff Orpington, Goldie is a Golden Sex Link , and Roxy is an EE. About a week old. New to this site and raising chickens for the first time. We got them on Saturday. They were a little skittish at first but today they seem to be happy and active.

My chick cam always gets a spike of viewers when chicks are hatching, then it tapers off when I switch to brooder cam. I'm having my dad build me a chicken coop with a spot for my laptop so I can run a cam on the run for my adult chickens later.
I took the 3 week olds and then the 4&5 week olds out for a field trip today...put them in a small dog crate out near the run to see the big chickens and eat some baby grass.

Forgot pics tho.
My "car chicks"-Lotus, Mercedes, and Ferrari. Ferrari is the Delaware. I'm hoping Mercedes and Ferrari keep the different color heads when their head feathers come in so I can tell them apart.

I've heard such good things about the Red Stars, I couldn't resist bringing two of them home.

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