Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!



My big babies had their first venture into their temp run today!! They had a wonderful time eating and scratching! Although, my big girls were not very happy with their new neighbors. This is precisely why I made their run where they could see and get to know each other. There was some head pecking if the little ones got to close to the big girls. But we will get there.
I have 12 hens, but I just convinced my husband to get 6 more. Anyway, today I picked up 2 welsummers, 2 Rhode Island reds, and 2 blue andalusians. They are so cute!!



We got ten chicks from TSC and 10 from a guy at work who has a small farm.

10 (straight run) from the guy at work all look like this one (Barred Rock I think)

The receipt says: 3 Rhode Island Red pullets (I think these are those ones)

1 Black Australorp (pullet)

6 Banty Chicks (straight run)

These two are tiny! The bottom one we were worried about but after giving him/her pedialyte s/he perked right up and today is running around.

These next two are part of the "Banty Chicks" but they have feathers on their feet.

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So we got our first ever chicks today! here are a couple pictures of them.

This is my 5 year old daughter with her favorite (the favored chick changes with every chick she holds)

Here she was disgusted because Peep (that is what she named this one) pooed on the chair.


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