Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays Everybody. We got home after Christmas lunch to and my partner noticed a teeny tiny chick near the canna lillies....upon closer inspection, we found 15 miniature balls of fluff and one very protective Mama Chook. This hen is one of my rebellious ones who never comes in at night, preferring to roost in the trees and on fences so I never took much notice when she wasn't in the pen. Turns out she must have been sittng on a nest under the house. The chicks are just darling; 3 black,2 gold, 8 white, and 2 very pretty grey chicks.
Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays Everybody. We got home after Christmas lunch to and my partner noticed a teeny tiny chick near the canna lillies....upon closer inspection, we found 15 miniature balls of fluff and one very protective Mama Chook. This hen is one of my rebellious ones who never comes in at night, preferring to roost in the trees and on fences so I never took much notice when she wasn't in the pen. Turns out she must have been sittng on a nest under the house. The chicks are just darling; 3 black,2 gold, 8 white, and 2 very pretty grey chicks.

Naw! Congrats! Haha I love grey chooks/chicks! I just lost my only one
Our buff orpington, Sunshine, went broody again. This is her second brood, and her first time hatching out more than one egg. She had nine eggs, of which, six hatched, and five are thriving. (Number six needed help hatching, and turned out to be paralyzed. It passed away about a day after hatching.)

I'm not sure what everyone is a mix of, but one is a silkie mix, and another is a black copper marans mix. Most of them have some easter egger in their ancestry. Since they started hatching on Christmas day, they will all get yuletide names.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the coop, Anna the bantam cochin keeps her brood of three chicks warm.

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