Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

Mine are getting so big my quail bantam is a roo I heared it trying to crow not sure on the silkie yet

My 5 new Buckeye babies that just hatched today, on day 19. Two of them pipped on the wrong end of the egg, one made it out OK but the other needed some assistance. All seem healthy and well. I have 3 more mixed breed eggs in the incubator that haven't hatched yet, but one has pipped.

Our two Rhode Island Reds (Chocobo and Lily) and one Black Sex Link (Leroy, and yes Leroy is a girl. XD She just started responding to the sound of it.)

Lily here is showing off her feathers and climbing abilities, careful. She is the flier in the flock, and is most likely the dominant.
6 weeks old

pretty sure they are ready to go to the tractor coop full time, what do yall think?

Should I put wood shavings in the whole top floor (smooth painted plywood) of the coop? or just in the nesting boxes?

ohh, and are they old enough to clip their wings?
I dont plan on much free range, only some supervised after the first week or so in the coop, but I just want to make sure they dont get to fiesty and try to leave the fenced yard
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6 weeks old

pretty sure they are ready to go to the tractor coop full time, what do yall think?

Should I put wood shavings in the whole top floor (smooth painted plywood) of the coop? or just in the nesting boxes?

ohh, and are they old enough to clip their wings?
I dont plan on much free range, only some supervised after the first week or so in the coop, but I just want to make sure they dont get to fiesty and try to leave the fenced yard

Not sure where you live, but they look ready! Mine are 6.5 weeks old and are in their interim coop before they are put with our older hens.

I do shavings on the coop floor and straw in the nest boxes. Easier to clean up poo in shavings, I just use a kitty litter scoop everyday. Takes 3 minutes!

Our other chicks wings were clipped at 12 weeks old but that's because we didn't let them out of their run for 2 weeks so they got used to where it was. Our little ones are probably getting clipped at 8 weeks when we put them in the big coop/run. Our big girls free range all day. We live in a semi-suburban area and we have 6 foot wood fence all around with a 4 foot wire fence dividing chickens from dogs. I don't want them getting over the dog fence! Clipped wings for sure.
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Live in Central Texas, forecast is for mid 80's every day and lows in the 60's

there are chances of thunderstorms most of the week, so I may wait

but we have chances of thunderstorms lots this time of year, so they may just have to get used to it.

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