Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

The. Cutest. Thread. EVER!! Gotta love the bitty baby chicks. We also bought ours at TS last week. Here are our Barred Rocks and Golden Comets

And a cool (nerd alert!) FLIR image of our brooder...

This is "my" girl Peep. She is the most friendly chicken I have ever met. She is a cuddler and comes to the brooder door every time we walk by while the others scatter... could be the meal worms! But I think she is just a sweet heart!

Peep with my biggest baby

4 weeks RIRs and Golden Comets 4 days

Please meet Lady Glitter Sparkles (Barred Rock), Sunflower (Ameraucana), Goldie Hawn (Golden laced Wyandotte) & Chick-a-dee (brahma) !!
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The. Cutest. Thread. EVER!! Gotta love the bitty baby chicks. We also bought ours at TS last week. Here are our Barred Rocks and Golden Comets
Hey, I think you have a golden comet and an amberlink or tetratint (whichever the hatchery they used offers). They get the chicks mislabeled sometimes but both are production layers of tan to brown eggs.
And they're doing okay in the brooder together? Did you keep them separated at first? (Asking because I'm getting my first chicks next month but a couple of different breeds a week or so apart, was hoping I can mix chicks of slightly different ages without too many problems...)
Photo is adorable :)

A week or two apart is absolutely fine. I've gone to 3 but felt that the smallest one was getting trampled more than I'd like. It really depends on personality of the chicks and what sort of space they have. Just make sure when mixing ages that you have a setup that allows the older ones to escape the heat needed by the younger ones.
So have a question, this is the second time we did chicks, and the first we got from our local farm store at three days old and all came happy healthy and content. One had pasty butt and we got that squared away daily enough, none of them do thankfully (yet).
1. A little gray baby is peeping very loudly often. Sounds like a distress peep, should I be concerned?
2. My little silver gray Dorking isn't moving around as well or as much as the rest. She is quite a bit smaller too though. I'm not sure if I should be too worried yet.
All of them came together from my pet chicken, arriving this afternoon at 12:30, they shipped them out yesterday so they are most definitely less than two days old.
Just curious if I should be concerned so soon, or give it a little time. Everyone seems to know where food, water, and the heated side is. And no one has any signs of pasty butt.
I'll see if I can get the video to load. Nope.

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