Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

These were hatched a week ago and are doing very well.













6 silver laced 2 week old cochin pullets
Hello! New chick mom & member here! Help idenifying my breed/gender? I feel like the ones purchased from a local breeder are dead on, however feel like my TSC birds are all mixed up:lol:

TSC bird- listed as a Production Red?




Unknown 'freebie' from local breeder



One of my Lavender Orphs I paid a little more for three of these chicks from a local breeder. LOVE THEM!




I have 10 chicks in total, so lots more pics! These guys just happen to be more photogentic.
(3) Lavender Orphs
(3) Production Reds
(3) Raindbow Dixies (not so nice chickys if u ask me)
(1) Unknown Freebie
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Hello! New chick mom & member here! Help idenifying my breed/gender? I feel like the ones purchased from a local breeder are dead on, however feel like my TSC birds are all mixed up:lol:

TSC bird- listed as a Production Red?




Unknown 'freebie' from local breeder



One of my Lavender Orphs I paid a little more for three of these chicks from a local breeder. LOVE THEM!




I have 10 chicks in total, so lots more pics! These guys just happen to be more photogentic.
(3) Lavender Orphs
(3) Production Reds
(3) Raindbow Dixies (not so nice chickys if u ask me)
(1) Unknown Freebie

By no means am I a chicken expert but usually 'production reds' tend to be Rhode Island Reds, and those little babies look spot on. Our two little production Rhode Island's (not to be confused with Heritage Rhode Island Reds, which are much harder to find and are a beautiful deep rich red) look just like them. As for the rest I am of no help sorry! Also from my experience it's too early to tell if they are male or female yet. After a while you will notice (if there are boys) they will have a increase growth in combs and wattles, also most tail feathers will grow out longer than females. Hopefully someone else has more info, but there's a little :) good luck and congrats!
Cuteness overload!!! Everyone's babies are adorable! There should be a warning before clicking because if you didn't want chicks before looking here, you sure will when your done! I blame all of you! LOL! Here are our new additions:

Rooty the Roo! Cream Crested Legbar

Black Copper Maran. Hoping for a pullet here!

Black Copper Maran. Hoping for a second pullet

Cream Crested Legbar Pullet. Her crest is already coming in!

Cream Crested Legbar pullet
Cuteness overload!!! Everyone's babies are adorable! There should be a warning before clicking because if you didn't want chicks before looking here, you sure will when your done! I blame all of you! LOL! Here are our new additions: Rooty the Roo! Cream Crested Legbar Black Copper Maran. Hoping for a pullet here! Black Copper Maran. Hoping for a second pullet :) Cream Crested Legbar Pullet. Her crest is already coming in! Cream Crested Legbar pullet
Oh your totally right on the 'I want many more!!!' But thankfully my coop is full and my hubby won't let me build another yet :) I just love your Cream legbar Roo! And your girls crest is soooo cute! We have two crested Cream legbar female chicks but no one is showing a crest yet (out of our 16 chicks we ordered) and a Roo (but he's a Blue Splash Ameraucana (though it's looking like he got the mostly blue/black coloring, not so much the splash, time will tell I guess). His name is Mr. Henry Nibbles. Our remaining chicks are all female (or at least we hope so, we ordered them from my pet chicken in hopes to have good odds if we ordered females). We have two kinds of Marans, Super Blue layer, Easter Eggers (two of them already have puffy checks), Leghorn, welsummer, Dorking, Rhode Island reds, and some Blue Favaucanas.
Here are just a few pics of our peeps. Hope to get some individual shots in the near future.

My images are not loading from my phone! Uhg!

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