Baby Chick Something wrong!


12 Years
Aug 6, 2007
West Viriginia
I just rec'd my chicks today. One little girl has something wrong with her umbilicus. I don't know if its prolapsed or an unabsorbed yolk. She is doing poorly wont eat, drink and has been whining all day. She is breathing with her mouth open. I have been feeding her sugar water with no improvement. Does anyone know what that is in the photo??

That's the chick's naval, which wasn't fully asorbed when it hatched and has now dried. Nothing you can do about it really, just make usre it has access to food and water. There could be other problems with the chick too other than the unhealed naval which may be causing it to act sickly though so it's hard to say.
Just try to feed her the way I told you and hopefully she'll pull though. I'm sorry you're going through this. I know your pain from when I was dealing with Tiny (blind chick).
"Wasn't cut properly" Huh?...It's not like cutting the cord on a mammal baby...
But that's besides the point...
Do you have this chick with the others or is she by herself? If she's alone she's going to complain to the management, loudly!
Breathing with her mouth open can be a sign of pain, but it can also happen if she's too hot.
Have you take your fingers and shown her how to eat and drink? If you dip your fingers in the water, she might figure it out herself or if she watches the others do it.
Has she pooped at all?
If it was my chick, and it's not, I would try to make her as comfortable as possible. Even if she doesn't make it, at least you tried.
If it were my chick, I'd try force-feeding diluted yogurt (only the kind that has live cultures). Yogurt bacteria are good pro-biotics and will help fend off any bad bacteria that might be lingering due to the improperly healed umbilical region. In my opinion the yogurt will be more nutritious right now than sugar water.
I have been feeding diluted egg yolks. i do have some vanilla flavored i guess that would be ok. I'll try to alternate the 2...She is still the same panting all the time, but she is still here thats a good sign I guess.

and yes she is pooing regularly and I have shown her the food and water. although she will not yet eat and the water is from my fingertip.

Thanks everyone for your advice. I will let you know what happens

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