Baby Chick Sudden Death


Jun 3, 2018
SJ New Jersey
I bought two silver laced wyandottes today 1 1/2 wks old. Brought them home and put them in the brooder (drive home was an hour). I put the two baby chicks in the brooder and they just laid there, I figured they were just tired and not used to their environment. About an hour later the one chick flapped her wings and stretched her legs out behind her and died. Could this have been from stress? Could her being cold on the drive home been the factor? I had the heat blasting in my car to the point where I was dripping sweat when I got home. I am having the WORST luck with chickens :-(
You are going to need to get more chicks.
NEVER buy two chicks at a time if one dies the other CAN NOT be alone you need to buy more chicks can die easily it could be a lot of different things. I buy 25 at a time and expect to loose 2-5 in the first week. Then after that I only loose them to something noticeable that I can identify.
You are going to need to get more chicks.
NEVER buy two chicks at a time if one dies the other CAN NOT be alone you need to buy more chicks can die easily it could be a lot of different things. I buy 25 at a time and expect to loose 2-5 in the first week. Then after that I only loose them to something noticeable that I can identify.
I only bought two because I had more at home.
You are going to need to get more chicks.
NEVER buy two chicks at a time if one dies the other CAN NOT be alone you need to buy more chicks can die easily it could be a lot of different things. I buy 25 at a time and expect to loose 2-5 in the first week. Then after that I only loose them to something noticeable that I can identify.
And these were older than a week. So if it were something noticeable that you could identify after the first week, I would like to know what those signs are so I can look for them in the other chick.
I am so sorry! That is terrible! :hugs

I got my 4 shipped from a hatchery. I had one who also just laid in the brooder. The others were super active. I gave her NutriDrench as soon as I could, and the change was almost immediate. She perked right up. I gave them all NutriDrench in their water for a few weeks ( just enough in the water to make it the color of weak tea). She is doing great now, but I really didn't think she would make it.

If you are worried about heat, you can probably use a hot water bottle or a heating pad with a car adapter for the ride home. The hatchery shipped my chicks with those heat packs kind of like the ones used as hands warmers.
I bought two silver laced wyandottes today 1 1/2 wks old. Brought them home and put them in the brooder (drive home was an hour). I put the two baby chicks in the brooder and they just laid there, I figured they were just tired and not used to their environment. About an hour later the one chick flapped her wings and stretched her legs out behind her and died. Could this have been from stress? Could her being cold on the drive home been the factor? I had the heat blasting in my car to the point where I was dripping sweat when I got home. I am having the WORST luck with chickens :-(
Whoa, that stinks!
Same brooder you've used for other chicks...nothing different about it?
Did they eat or drink when put into the brooder?
I am so sorry! That is terrible! :hugs

I got my 4 shipped from a hatchery. I had one who asap just laid in the brooder. The others were super active. I gave her NutriDrench as soon as I could, and the change was almost immediate. She perked right up. I have them all NutriDrench in their water for a few weeks ( just enough in the water to make it the color of weak tea). She is doing great now, but I really didn't think she would make it.

If you are worried about heat, you can probably use a hot water bottle or a heating pad with a car adapter for the ride home. The hatchery shipped my chicks with those heat packs kind of like the ones used as hands warmers.
I read something else on Nutri Drench so I ran right out and bought it! I gave the other chick about a drop that I put on my finger and rubbed on the top of her beak. I’m going to put it in their water as well, she hasn’t gotten up to eat or drink yet. I haven’t noticed a change since I gave her the nutri-drench but she moves around a little when she is trying to get comfortable. Thanks for your response and condolences! :hugs
Whoa, that stinks!
Same brooder you've used for other chicks...nothing different about it?
Did they eat or drink when put into the brooder?
Yes it is the same brooder. They did not eat or drink, they just laid down exactly where I placed them.. I did dip their beaks in the water as well.

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