My head hurts from all the reading I have been doing. Nothing seems to fit exactly. I have a just three week Faverolle that is having leg problems. They seem to lock straight back and then shehe walks around on the lower part of the leg. I tried to do the bandaid splint but the chick was able to push its butt between the splint and get stuck unable to move at all. It also was so mad at it it wouldn't stop trying to tear it off. I took it off after about 45 min. It did seem to help a little. I am now able to help it stand upright but when I ease it into the proper position I feel clicking or popping- I'm not pushing hard. It is able to walk/ hobble around in the proper position but it's legs seem a little too straight and eventually stumbles and goes back to penguin walking. I've been exercising the legs and trying to get it to use its legs properly. It's extra sleepy with slightly loose stool but otherwise no other symptoms. I think the last two are to be expected because it has to work so hard to eat and drink. Doesn't seem to be in pain. Was thinking possibly started as a malnutrition issue from it being a little runty at the store but has moved on to something else. I saw it the day before I picked it up and was walking normally. I've been supplementing with ploy vi sol the past two days and they have electrolytes and vits in their water. Also gave some scrambled egg. At three weeks highly doubt it's egg bound and legs don't look scaley so don't think it's mites. I've had them about a week other chick is feisty and fit. Insight anyone?? My head is spinning!