Baby chick was not active over night.

May 29, 2021
My ophan baby chick is only 4 days old..
condition Yesterday:
I fed it with sugar+seasalt+ baking soda mix, because it seems to be not well, i suppose heat stroke becuase of the brooder heat light is on constantly.. i can see it is constantly staying in between brooder and entrance..
After feeding the electrolyte mix, it was fine, actively running around when i bring it diff type of food.
i was feeding it earth worm and rolly polly for the first time and bring garden soil and sand for it to have some grit.
but over night:
i do have brooder set to 78.5c on thermostat ; but today it seems to be quite. it does run to me when i bring it food or bug.. but it is a lot quite than yesterday, and constantly stand quitely under the brooder.
What could be wrong ? Bad bacterial entering it gut due to the soil and worms ?

I need advice, becuase it does not seems to be normal. and it seems to be a bit weak. it constantly want to stay under brooder .

what's could be wrong ? what can i do ?
Please help.
Young chicks shouldn't be fed treats yet, when they are older, they can enjoy new things.
Stick to the normal feed and maybe some electrolyte water.
You said treat as of what ?
Everytime i see it droopy , makes me scare, i always think it is falling sick when it is droopy in brooder when it is bright day light outside.
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I guess, it could be the cold or heat in the brooder that made it not well. I fed it with electrolyte water and after a short time it looks much normal. now it is normal, no longer sleepy. Thanks.
(although thermostatly controlled, but i still does not trust it so well, because the heater on and heater off takes time , and the heat always shoot up to 39c or even 40c before it turns off, even though i have set it to be maintain at 37.5c)

Anybody have manual for Thermostat STC-1000 ? i have not know how to set it properly so that it won't dip lower than 37c and higher than 37.5c...
Currently temperature swing in the brooder is too much.
Anybody have manual for Thermostat STC-1000 ? i have not know how to set it properly so that it won't dip lower than 37c and higher than 37.5c...
Currently temperature swing in the brooder is too much.
I wouldn't worry too much about fluctuations. As long as there is a warm spot at one end of the brooder and it's cooler at the other end, the chick will find the right spot to be warm.
You need to get a bag of chick starter and have fresh unadulterated water available at all times. Put some marbles or clean stones in the water to keep the chick from drowning in it.
The feed should be available at all times as well.
Putting clumps of sod in the brooder is actually good for the chick to build up natural immunity.
Do you have access to a local farm store where you can get the chick starter and also some coccidistat (amprolium)?
Can you please post pictures of your set up?
Where did you find this chick?
It really should have a few friends but in the meantime, put a small feathery stuffed animal and a little mirror in the brooder with it.

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