Baby chicks arriving in July


Apr 19, 2020
Spokane, WA
I’m brand new to raising chickens and getting my first 6 chicks early in July. I planned to raise them inside the enclosed (but ventilated) coop since it would be warm outside. I live in Spokane, WA so not extreme heat. What is the minimum temperature before I would need to use a heat lamp at night? Thanks for any thoughts!
Those first 2 weeks they need the temperature to be 85-90 degrees. After that you can lower the temperature by around 5 degrees a week until you reach ambient temperature. So it depends on your temperatures.
Those first 2 weeks they need the temperature to be 85-90 degrees. After that you can lower the temperature by around 5 degrees a week until you reach ambient temperature. So it depends on your temperatures.
Thank you SO much for your replies! I am a beginner and want to do everything correctly! Coop is up, just finished it today. (YAY). Going to use ponderosa pine needles in the run and wood shavings in the coop.

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