Baby chicks basics

Chicken poppy

Fashionably late
Premium Feather Member
May 9, 2021
You see a bunch of cutie little chicks at the store, bring them home, and have nothing for them, its what a lot of people do, heres some basics that should help, but remember to do your own research! This is off MY personal experince and MY research, its always possible that i got wrong info, and if so please always double check before doing something risky! Firstly, (MORE THEN YOU THINK) They will die, this can be by a few reasons and yes, sometimes you can prevent it! The major thing is Stress & weather, this is a huge thing alone and can be deadly to young chicks! Now if your chicks are young, Under 5 Weeks to where they dont really have feathers, theres something called “Pasty butt” This does NOT happen to chickens, just baby chicks. ill explain why this happens and how to prevent it. Pasty butt happens in young chicks and is very common, mostly by stress, a vent is a part of a chicken where their waste comes from, (later on their eggs) This can be very fatal so its best to treat ASAP. A young chick is a cotton ball, as cute as it is they have no feathers, just puff, so when they poo it gets stuck to their back end feathers, causing it to build up, the more and more this happens they cant release their waste, eventually causing them to die. it doesnt happen to older chicks cause they have feathers, which the poop does not stick to and it just falls off. Simply get a lightly wam (NOT HOT!) soft cloth, grab the chick comfortably and rub in a circlar motion, it’s important to not pull or else it will rip out their feathers! Do it very light, it can take a while but eventually it will come off, dont make it to stressful for them either and make sure to gently dab their hind afterwards so its not soaking wet.-+Pasty butt+-

+-Screaming chick+-

Yes, this breaks your heart, their screaming (usually certain ones) for you whenever you leave, its non-stop, heart breaking, and somewhat annoying! the real only cures are weaning them off, it wont be instant, you can also use plushies inside their thing (a old one, cause it will get pooped on) but i found that didnt work well for me, maybe cause mine were a bit older, but try using some feathers to comfort them and place them inside, it should calm them down, dont sit there with them, they will just scream again when you leave!

+-Dying chick+-

there are many recipes for electrolyte water online, in which i had posted a dying chick recipe water on my blog here, but try to make sure their the right tempature And not stressed out, do all you can to make them in a nice comfortable area.
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You see a bunch of cutie little chicks at the store, bring them home, and have nothing for them, its what a lot of people do, heres some basics that should help, but remember to do your own research! This is off MY personal experince and MY research, its always possible that i got wrong info, and if so please always double check before doing something risky! Firstly, (MORE THEN YOU THINK) They will die, this can be by a few reasons and yes, sometimes you can prevent it! The major thing is Stress & weather, this is a huge thing alone and can be deadly to young chicks! Now if your chicks are young, Under 5 Weeks to where they dont really have feathers, theres something called “Pasty butt” This does NOT happen to chickens, just baby chicks. ill explain why this happens and how to prevent it. Pasty butt happens in young chicks and is very common, mostly by stress, a vent is a part of a chicken where their waste comes from, (later on their eggs) This can be very fatal so its best to treat ASAP. A young chick is a cotton ball, as cute as it is they have no feathers, just puff, so when they poo it gets stuck to their back end feathers, causing it to build up, the more and more this happens they cant release their waste, eventually causing them to die. it doesnt happen to older chicks cause they have feathers, which the poop does not stick to and it just falls off. Simply get a lightly wam (NOT HOT!) soft cloth, grab the chick comfortably and rub in a circlar motion, it’s important to not pull or else it will rip out their feathers! Do it very light, it can take a while but eventually it will come off, dont make it to stressful for them either and make sure to gently dab their hind afterwards so its not soaking wet.-+Pasty butt+-

+-Screaming chick+-

Yes, this breaks your heart, their screaming (usually certain ones) for you whenever you leave, its non-stop, heart breaking, and somewhat annoying! the real only cures are weaning them off, it wont be instant, you can also use plushies inside their thing (a old one, cause it will get pooped on) but i found that didnt work well for me, maybe cause mine were a bit older, but try using some feathers to comfort them and place them inside, it should calm them down, dont sit there with them, they will just scream again when you leave!

+-Dying chick+-

there are many recipes for electrolyte water online, in which i had posted a dying chick recipe water on my blog here, but try to make sure their the right tempature And not stressed out, do all you can to make them in a nice comfortable area.
I wanted to add that wrong temperature can cause pasty butt.

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