Baby chicks fuzz picking


In the Brooder
6 Years
Dec 25, 2013
I got my 8 chicks on Wednesday, day old picked up from Ideal. They are in a box about 2' sq. they have the large red chick feeder with all the holes, plenty of water and the Eco brooder light.

I have noticed that many of them are missing the fuzz on the edges of their wings. After watching them I noticed it happens mostly when they go to the feeder. They bunch up at a few holes and some wander down to the other holes, but a few pushy ones walk up and pull on the fuzz y wing tips of those in front at the hole where they want to eat.

Is this normal? The fuzz is that ok? They seem to get along otherwise.

I have some boxes to make a bigger brooder and plan to do that this afternoon. Will moving them to a bigger box help this problem?

The biggest box I can fit into this area will be nearly 4x4'. Will that be enough for them?

If and when they need bigger I'll have to put them in my garage in an insulated box. I'm trying to put that off until i must as I want them to stay warm
wouldnt hurt to try the bigger box and maybe two small feeders? or scatter some food in different places. do they have access to their feed 24/7?
Yes, the feed is in there 24/7. I'll add a second small feeder.

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