Baby chicks grow along! ( a lot of PICTURES!)

They are very cute chicks!
They are so so pretty! In total in my collection are light Brahma, polish:silver laced, buff laced, gold laced, blue, and black, buff Orpington, silkie in white blue buff partridge and black, Easter Eggers, blue copper marans, black copper marans and my grand prize! The ayam cemanis!
I know I don't have much chicken experience yet, but the California whites (at least mine) have been pretty friendly and are really productive! They lay up to 300 eggs a year! Mine started laying right around 16 weeks, in late January, and have been laying an egg a day almost every day. I also was able to integrate my younger Svarthona chickens without much trouble. I just had them separated in the same area for a week or so with a divider so they could see each other, then when they were in the coop together, there were no issues. And my son picks them up all the time and pets them and they don't mind.
Well it’s great to hear you are enjoying it! And thank you for your suggestions about the breeds I will for sure look into it! And tomorrow imma show a side by side comparison of my huge chick (that no one has guessed yet!) compared to a polish! It’s hilarious! :lau:gig Also I think I’m definitely ordering more because I called today cause I was missing one chick I ordered and they gave me a complete refund of the whole order! So I’m just gonna spend it with them again but it was very kind! They didn’t ask for pictures or anything just took my word on it and gave me options. I almost felt bad because I got such great chicks for free but I will be buying more so it’s not too bad I think. If anyone is raising babies or have any funny stories about orders or how raising chicks went feel free to share! I’m happy everyone is here watching the thread! It means a lot to go on this journey with everyone! Now I’m looking forward to the crazy teenager photos I get to upload!:bun
Well it’s great to hear you are enjoying it! And thank you for your suggestions about the breeds I will for sure look into it! And tomorrow imma show a side by side comparison of my huge chick (that no one has guessed yet!) compared to a polish! It’s hilarious! :lau:gig Also I think I’m definitely ordering more because I called today cause I was missing one chick I ordered and they gave me a complete refund of the whole order! So I’m just gonna spend it with them again but it was very kind! They didn’t ask for pictures or anything just took my word on it and gave me options. I almost felt bad because I got such great chicks for free but I will be buying more so it’s not too bad I think. If anyone is raising babies or have any funny stories about orders or how raising chicks went feel free to share! I’m happy everyone is here watching the thread! It means a lot to go on this journey with everyone! Now I’m looking forward to the crazy teenager photos I get to upload!:bun
Really? That's super nice of them! :love What hatchery is it? They sound like a great company.
It's so great you got several healthy, beautiful chicks for free!! :ya

I'm so looking forward to those 'teenaged' pictures you're wanting to take, too! :lol: :highfive:
I actually just got chicks super recently. Four of my six are around two-weeks old, I believe. Earlier I had them all out on my lap at once! And a couple of them are nutty, but surprisingly it went pretty good. :D
It was actually from this breeder in Georgia shes so sweet and knowledgeable. I actually got my Ayam Cemani from her as well. She has beautiful Brahmas and she currently only has one color polish, but she hooked me up with one of her friends and she just got em for me and sent them here. I've bought from her a lot so I think that's why she went ahead and just paid it back. Right now they are nutty but they love when I stick em all on my lap and cover them in a blanket and after a bit, i can take the blanket off and use my hands instead so they get very comfy and used to me. I've also put an old shirt of mine in the brooder so they recognize my smell. I love to socialize them so it is easier to treat them in the future and who doesn't love chickens following you everywhere?!It may be hard to keep all 12 on my lap in a couple of weeks! Does anyone have any funny chickens that let you do anything to them? I have a polish that will come up to me and ay on it's back for me to rub her belly! I'll take pics as soon as I get home!

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