Baby chicks (less than a week old) dying like flies (6 today)!

Thanks for reminding me I'm human
. Most are showing good recovering signs. I still have 2 that I are not out of the woods. Made a bit of a discovery though....

To get chicks to drink...
If they can barely hold their head up. An eye dropper of water held to the tip of the beak causes them to take the water safely.

If they’re are on their feet, place them near and facing the waterer. Then use an eye dropper to drop water, one drop at a time into the water. The movement seems to make it irresistible to the chicks.

One chick even jumped in the water, sat down and drank and drank and drank. Funny to watch.

Thanks for all your help.
Well, it's morning and 2 more have passed, but the rest all seem fine. Hopefully that's the end of it. Think I'll go by some extra babies.
All is well the rest of the babies. Looks like we're out of the woods. Won't make that mistake again. Thanks for all your help and support.

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