Baby Chicks Not Eating Chick Starter

I'm jealous of your beach sand!

Honestly, I don't give mine grit at all because they get it on their own once they're outside (or if I give them a clump of grass in the brooder). But it certainly doesn't hurt.
It's nice to have in that regard yes but if you want to plant a garden or do anything else it's the worst! Haha.. I'll probably leave them some age appropriate grit just in case
I would advise caution with the sand - at just 1 week old, they may confuse it with food & gorge on it. Just be ready to remove it, if necessary. Try giving them a wet mash - just 1-2 tablespoons of chick starter with equal parts water in a shallow dish or plastic lid; let the water fully absorb, then stir a tiny bit. They usually think it's a treat! Side note: they don't even need grit until they are eating non-feed foods.
I would advise caution with the sand - at just 1 week old, they may confuse it with food & gorge on it. Just be ready to remove it, if necessary. Try giving them a wet mash - just 1-2 tablespoons of chick starter with equal parts water in a shallow dish or plastic lid; let the water fully absorb, then stir a tiny bit. They usually think it's a treat! Side note: they don't even need grit until they are eating non-feed foods.
I took it out because that's exactly what was happening they were just eating it like food.I was afraid they were going to get sick. I'll try the wet mash, thank you.
For reference, this is how big chick grit should be - any hard rock of appropriate size will do:
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They didn't have any grit specifically for chicks at our local feed store just poultry grit which seems to have smaller bits in it too so I try to scoop out just the smaller bits for them. Thank you for sharing this it is helpful!
I would advise caution with the sand - at just 1 week old, they may confuse it with food & gorge on it. Just be ready to remove it, if necessary. Try giving them a wet mash - just 1-2 tablespoons of chick starter with equal parts water in a shallow dish or plastic lid; let the water fully absorb, then stir a tiny bit. They usually think it's a treat! Side note: they don't even need grit until they are eating non-feed foods.
They went crazy for the wet mash by the way! Thanks for that 😊👍

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